NFL Dreams: The Truth About Quarterbacks and Eligibility
We dive into the complexities of quarterback eligibility, the competitive nature of college football, and the fine line players walk to achieve their dreams. Discover the realities of team dynamics and memorable pranks that intertwine sports and politics! #NFLDreams #CollegeFootball #QuarterbackTalk #FootballEligibility #SportsPolitics #TeamDynamics #PlayerPranks #FootballCommunity #CollegeAthletes #SportsDiscussion
And the chance to get to the NFL and you Know all that yeah it turns normally Probably decent people into oh they yeah They they they they go Rogue they'll Just do they'll do whatever it takes They they become self self selfish and Do what's best for them everyone and Everyone becomes that way which is Really hard which is which is why people Who are able to fight through that I I Respect but so anyway we got a Quarterback from Virginia Which you know About he's the guy that you know has to Be the guy he's the top quarterback in The state so it'll be interesting to see The plan right no now some was I can't Remember no it was Bellamy Bellamy told Me last night that fig Fano has another Year of Eligibility really yes because and I Said there's no way that could be true He came from Maine and he had an injury here Bellamy Said he went to a jco so he has another Year of Eligibility I didn't know that He went to a jco so I didn't look at I Didn't check on it or anything but he Told me That I don't Know I I I mean I think he's worth yeah I I think you gotta keep Him does it is that why foran didn't Want to come on our Showell Fano didn't respond no I I I I
Have To I have to reach out to the Sid and Kyle Mony had assured me that he Would Respond um and I think that would get That would get him on the show I mean That would at least give us some someone On the Show okay so yeah he didn't play for Yeah he didn't play for a JC he played at Maine and then and uh he just was m in Yukon so he doesn't have year of Eligibility so I mean it it's Nick Evers And then they got you know the three Freshman and they got the Virginia kid So they really don't need I mean can you Take a six quarterback I mean that's a Lot and you know I had talked to to Mike And Mike Burton had said that a lot of Schools aren't going to go to the 105 Scholarship Model um just because you know they're They're thinking who who wants to be the 998th kid on the roster with a Scholarship you know it's going to cause More problems because you're going to Have a 105 scholarship players and they All want to play and Trump just said He's gonna bring all those hostages Home yeah I Trump's gonna do a lot this Is his big week he's I'm watching this The I have to to read the subtitles Because the subtitles yeah no I he is
Going to hit the ground running Allegedly you know with uh the the Massive deportation and he that we turn You into Political a political Guru I'm not a political Guru by any Sense I still say you're learning many Stupid things and I'm still I'm still a Registered Democrat so yeah but no I i' I've learned quite a bit that that's Well the fact that you're a registered Democrat still G gives us the um if Someone says that we're conservative Maniacs U me and oh you got an out Because I got a blue man we have a dam On our moderator is a dam I I and and it It's funny because the only reason I'm a Democrat is because of my teacher in High school had us had us all register As Democrats he told us just register as A Democrat and then if you want to Change down the line you can but the the Democrat is the much better uh political Position you know it's it's a better Party not anymore so my entire senior Class had like registered for de to be Democrats and and I was a bleeding heart Democrat and uh Until 2016 now I can tell you another funny Story my my Uncle Jim uh my Uncle Jim Played at Florida he was a big-time Player from the area one of the few that Went division one he was a county Legislator locally and he was the
Republican majority leader for our County so for pranks one of the best Pranks I ever did I went around and I Got my a couple of my friends we drove Around and we got probably 50 John Cary Signs and in the middle of the night After a night of drinking we went and uh We stole signs from people's houses and Then we put them up on Uncle Jim's House John Carrey so his lawn was filled with John Carrey Signs oh he wakes up the next morning He's getting phone calls he's getting Phone calls at 7 a.m. from people like Jim what's going on are are you are you Are you switching parties are you are You are you gonna be a Democrat are you Voting for Carrie like what is this and Uh that was that was my prank I thought That was a pretty good idea that's That's a good prank he must have been Fuman uh no he actually was pretty good About it he was pretty he was pretty Good about it uh the one he was not good About another night we were bored and Got drunk we went and we stole One of those big blow up snowmen the one That you plug in and then it just blows Up Okay I don't know how we found one we Were driving in the middle of nowhere And there was a Snowman and I'm like I Want that and with my friends I was like The coordinator because I wasn't fast
Enough or you know big I I would get Noticed if I tried to take something They would have to go take it so my my Friends got out