Jack Bech scores the TD that wins the senior bowl in an amazing moment
This amazing moment from the Senior Bowl Where Jack Beck catches the touchdown That wins the game he said his brother Gave him Wings to be able to make the Play his brother had died in the Terrible last shot as the American team Makes Their on the Move looking got it Jack Bash has his mobile Moment that's a walk-off [Applause] And the American team Swarms Jack Bash makes the game winning touchdown Catch Jack take me through that final Play to win It man it's simple uh my brother has Some wings on me he gave them to me and He he let that all take place you know Uh our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Tiger Uh nothing else but them they're the Reason I did what I did today I Attributed all to them uh you know I'm Just the physical person here doing it But I attribute to all to them it was One month ago today that your brother Passed away take me through just the Emotions of coming to this event and Then obviously being able to score the Winner yeah uh it's been surreal just be Able to come and take place in this game It's a goal you set for yourself um you Know but if I had the option
That if I came here had the worst week Ever ruined my draft stock that means I Could give my brother a hug right now You know I would take that you know but But on the flip side of that um I don't Think I could have had the week that I Had if if all that wouldn't have Happened so like I said you know his Wings were on my side and uh him and Jesus Christ the reasons that I was able To do all of this if he's watching this Interview somewhere right now what would Be the message youd love to deliver to Tiger okay okay just how proud he is of Me you know all the all the big brother Does in life is want to see his little Brother Succeed um he's been my role model my Whole life the person I looked up to the Person I wanted to be um you know he was The best big brother I could ever ask For um you know my whole goal and the Rest of my life is just live his legacy On congratulations we got a little Something extra for you here too hey man Congratulations on an impressive college Football career in senior season you had A phenomenal performance today on behalf Of the Reese's brand Team and Company I'd like to present you with this year's Reese's Senior Bowl MVP award thank you So much thank you very Much brother