Is Our Sports Program Facing a Crisis?

The sustainability of our sports program is in jeopardy. In this video, we delve into the potential impacts of conference shifts on various sports and the academic experience of student-athletes. The future is uncertain, and we must take action now!…

The sustainability of our sports program is in jeopardy. In this video, we delve into the potential impacts of conference shifts on various sports and the academic experience of student-athletes. The future is uncertain, and we must take action now! #SportsProgram #Sustainability #CollegeAthletics #StudentAthlete #FutureOfSports #SportsConference #AthleticsCrisis #VarsitySports #CollegeSports #ImpactOnAcademics

Line is what are we going to be as a Program because the model we have is not Sustainable for another five years when 2030 rolls around if we're not in a Conference it's G to affect basketball Men's women's it's gonna affect baseball It's gonna affect hockey it's gonna Affect volleyball you know what I think About will be irrelevant you know what I Think about yeah if you're going to Class and you're in a freshman class Orof class and you're there to actually Study okay to actually a regular student Getting a degree

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