Hun Football: Legacy, Growth, and Future Vision Unveiled!

1 min read
The video discusses the growth and future vision of the Hun football program. Was always a known like Hun School was Known but where you took it from and the Number of players it's like a Destination spot so definitely…

The video discusses the growth and future vision of the Hun football program.

Was always a known like Hun School was Known but where you took it from and the Number of players it's like a Destination spot so definitely talk About where you you kind of see the Future for for hun football program well You know even when I got here like hun Always had that you know they always had That reputation of sending great kids Out you know they had myin roll and so Many other kids before that great story Tyler Stockton and and all these good Kids that were like Blue Chip Prospect And great players um you know so they've Always been doing it um so like you know That part of that was like wanted to Come here and carry on that Legacy and Keep it going you know the I think the Trick to this place is you can't really Look too far into the future at because Like at the drop of a hat like this Could it it it truly is a year-to-year Thing

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