Creatine Myths BUSTED: Hydration & Muscle Recovery Explained

Discover the truth about creatine! We explore its role in muscle growth, injury recovery, and hydration, debunking the myth that it causes cramping. Trust research from experts like Dr. Rick Kreider for better performance and health. #CreatineBenefits #MuscleRecovery #FitnessMyths #Hydration…

Discover the truth about creatine! We explore its role in muscle growth, injury recovery, and hydration, debunking the myth that it causes cramping. Trust research from experts like Dr. Rick Kreider for better performance and health. #CreatineBenefits #MuscleRecovery #FitnessMyths #Hydration #SportsNutrition #DrRickKreider #InjuryPrevention #TrainingTips #HealthFacts #ProteinPower

So you said something and this is um Everybody needs to know this like Creatine's mechanism of action right it Helps build muscle helps with recovery Reduces risk of injury there's been Research to support reduction of Inflammation uh that's important for Concussions traumatic brain injuries but Creatine creatine does not cause Cramping because creatine actually the Mechanism of action is that it draws Water into the cell if anything creatine Hydrates so I want to just point this Out because Dr Rick krider who is one of My good friends I met him at the ISA Conference he has done a great deal of Research but he studied specifically in College football players that creatine Does not dehydrate but in fact actually Helps with hydration so I have cited That study in my blog So for anybody out There that says well creatine causes Cramping no the fact that you didn't Drink enough water didn't consume enough Magnesium potassium overall calories That is why you are cramping it

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