Anthony davis no doubt was shocked by the trade
I was shocked everyone else uh like I Said I didn't know I was actually at Home about to watch a movie with my wife And uh got the phone call so um I had no Idea I just sent you know the the team You text about congratulation on the on The win against the Knicks big win and Then um you know looking forward to Tuesday's game against the Clippers to As far as standing purposes and uh being Found out like hour later I was no Longer with the team so uh I was in Shock obviously um had no idea that you Know it was happening Um but uh I mean now it's you know I'm Kind of over it and just kind of you Know getting ready to play with Dallas What was that initial conversation like With Nico and obviously you have a History with him and Jay kid just about The opportunity you have here um Obviously excitement um you know you Know Nico Believes In Me U what I can Add to this thing Um I'm not put everything that we talked About out there but uh we're both you Know extremely