1983 bob hope all americans. Some big names here.
Here are some 1983 all Americans there Are some big names on here huge name Boba All American used to be a amazing Amazing thing it's a long time ago but It was amazing you'll see a lot of big Names Steve Young fre Young University Quarterback Bram young makes a habit of Producing great quarterbacks but many of The experts say Steve is the best ever BYU his great great great granddaddy was The Brigham Young no wonder he made the Team he knows the owner Co Jackson alurn University running back Give this guy the ball and he'll go for Six or seven yards and knock a few People down along the way he's a lot Like a Jerry Ford T-shot Reggie White University of Tennessee defensive tal Reggie's not Only the centerpiece of the volunteer Defense he's also an ordained Baptist Minister who which works out great Before they carry off the field he gives You the last Rights I think I just got religion bless You my son