Would You Go to Mars? My Wild Application Journey!
Imagine being a promoter of goodwill on Mars! In this video, we share a hilarious and eye-opening story about applying for a one-way mission to our neighboring planet. Get ready for laughs and insights into space travel considerations. Could you handle it? #MarsMission #SpaceTravel #ComedyStory #SpaceExploration #MissionToMars #EdiblesAdventure #GoodwillAmbassador #FutureOfTravel #LifeOnMars #SpaceMovies
So that was the premise of the movie and That's why I loved it so much so then I Started reading about cryogenics and I'm Like I want to do this now some of it Like Ted Williams they just froze his Head so they would put his head on Someone else's body I guess um I would Get my whole body frozen and then you Know I'd come back I I think you know Maybe a thousand years 2,000 years and Just you know see what see what's going On start podcast You imagine that podcast won't even be Uh I wonder what would be a thing at That point I can't remember what the Cost is there's a cost to it um that That that you have to pay per month I I For I forget how it works but I looked At several institutes it was like the Time I don't I don't think I ever told You about this how I I think I told you How I uh registered to go to Mars oh you Did I didn't tell you about that No oh well I'll tell you quickly um we Were at my lakeh house and um my my Cousin lives in Colorado he was visiting And there were cookies at our lake house On the kitchen I ate some Cookies I go and I lay down I take a nap I get up I fall I get up and I can't Walk I fall through the closet doors Knock the the closet do is over fell Through the closet I can't get up um I Craw to the bed I climbed into the bed
Uh my fiance at the time comes in and Said what the hell is going on what you Broke the closet what is wrong with you And I was like out of it and I was like What did you do so it turned out I ate Edibles they that my cousin brought okay Yeah yeah yeah so I'm out of my mind and I'm on my Phone and I start reading about missions To Mars and I just think it's the Coolest thing ever so there's actual Government missions that are being Planned and then there's private Missions that are being funded to go oh Wow so I found a private one that I Wanted to go on so the application Process takes like an Hour um so the first thing that was Really Demoralizing was no knowing that I have Zero skills like they they ask you Questions about your skill set like Because you're building a space station On Mars like I can't change a light bulb So I can't fix anything I can't build Anything so it asks what you know your Job would be if you were to be picked to Go on this Mission and I put I would be Promoter of Goodwill because I'm a nice Guy I'm funny I'd make people laugh i' I'd help people get along they don't Want people to you know cause drama and Controversy so I do all this application I'm high as a kite and at the end um
There's two things I read that was Troubling the first was um the weight Limit there you had to be 215 pounds or Under oh okay to to fit on the spaceship Because they were taking so many people So for me to get down to 215 pound I Know you're yawning I would I I would Almost be I would almost have to be Emaciated to weigh 215 pounds and then The second part was you're going to Mars Building the space station but you're Not you're not coming back right you're Living you're living there the rest of Your they don't have the funding to to Bring you back so that was kind of Troubling as well um but my application Is still active the trip is for 2026 so Maybe I'll get picked so if you get pick Okay you get to go you're going to Mars I don't well I have to get I I have to Get the surgery to shrink my stomach Right probably get down to 215 to get Down to 215 so you get down to 215 You're going to Mars you're not coming Back okay how long does it take to get To Mars it's it it it's a long trip it's A very long trip you sleep until you get To Mars no no you're on the spaceship I Mean that's why like you can't have drum Or anything there's there's going to be A lot of people and the purpose is to Build space stations and populate Mars so I I don't they're they're movie Where the guy goes
On what do you think like Armageddon no wasn't Armageddon the mar The Martian Was it the mar it was the Martian maybe With with with stuck on the ship kind of Deal yeah yes yes he woke up prematurely Or something and stuck basically stuck There forever type of deal yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah so I put in my I was high As a kite I filled out this application I realized they have no skill sets I Can't build anything I can't take things Apart um I can't really cook I I mean I I I'm very useless to the trip so I put I would be the promoter of Goodwill I'd Make everyone happy and entertain them Um you know because they're going to be Out in Spa like space suits and building The space station so I would go to Mars But I would never come Back because they don't they don't come Get you when you're done I would live on Mars