Why Beef is Essential for Female Athletes’ Health
Discover the vital role of beef in enhancing strength and endurance for female athletes. We explore the nutritional benefits of red meat, the importance of preparation, and how quality animal proteins outshine plant-based myths. Learn how to optimize your diet for better performance. #BeefBenefits #FemaleAthletes #NutritionMatters #StrengthTraining #HealthyEating #EnduranceBoost #AnimalProtein #RedMeat #DietTips #FitnessFuel
So that's why a lot of men maybe or Women because I get these questions a Lot too like well my kid can eat this But like if I eat this this happens it's Just a little bit different but it's Safe to give your kids beef now I would Say the preparation is where we could Run into trouble is if you're frying it What type of oils are you using what are The other yep so looking at it that way If you're doing you know beef ground Beef you know 93% lean is decent flank Steak flank steak is excellent I Actually recommend our female athlet Minimum of two red meat servings per Week because of the iron content and I've had several improve their strength Improve their endurance shave seconds Off their time so females too that That's a struggle bust but people need To eat animal protein both plants and Animals matter um but it is a total myth That plants are healthier when consumed In priority over animal proteins um and I obviously think that other things that People are eating right if you're eating A bunch of snacks and fried food and Soda and you're smoking and just all These other factors go into play but if You're eating high quality beef you know Organs um I think liver would be great If people can stomach it uh that would Be awesome if you're able to do that get A half a cow too you're going to save a
Lot of money for those that are in the Midwest that's like a very real thing Fill your freezer up but if you do that You're going to save money um and your Old household is going to be safer and Healthier but I also think it's one of These things too if this is my look on It if I spend the money on it right then I'm going to be more concerned and more Dialed into use it the right way and That type of thing right