Unlocking the Power of Vitamin D for Athletes

Discover why vitamin D is crucial for athletes’ performance and health. Learn how to proactively boost your intake, especially in northern regions, and ensure optimal absorption for maximum benefits. Don’t let deficiency hold you back! #VitaminD #AthleteHealth #NutritionTips #PerformanceEnhancement #VitaminDDeficiency…

Discover why vitamin D is crucial for athletes’ performance and health. Learn how to proactively boost your intake, especially in northern regions, and ensure optimal absorption for maximum benefits. Don’t let deficiency hold you back! #VitaminD #AthleteHealth #NutritionTips #PerformanceEnhancement #VitaminDDeficiency #HealthyLiving #SportsNutrition #WellnessJourney #ProactiveHealth #FatSolubleVitamins

Yes it's so like just that sunlight is So pivotal people don't understand it if You were not doing vitamin D especially If you live in the north but I came from Nashville Tennessee and I was there for Three years uh we yeah even the athletes That I worked with there a lot of them Were deficient in vitamin D so there's The in insufficiency deficiency blah Blah blah you don't want to get to that Point and that's a big thing about being Proactive but most athletes are not Getting enough vitamin D because even With vitamin D sources there's only 60 IUS in an egg I would say if you are in The midwest you would safely be able to Supplement 2,000 to 5,000 IUS and keep In mind it's best absorbed with the fat Right it's fat soluble

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