Unforgettable Moments: UConn Football’s Season Highlights
We celebrate UConn Football’s remarkable season, featuring an epic win at the Fenway Bowl. Join us as we discuss team support, the thrilling impact of NIL, and the invaluable camaraderie among fans and alumni. Let’s build on this incredible momentum! #UConnFootball #FenwayBowl #TeamSpirit #NIL #UniversityPride #AthleticSuccess #SportsCommunity #FanEngagement #CollegeFootball #MomentumBuilding
You know those those were the pieces That the coaching staff and the athletic Administration put into place um that's The level of support that they put into Place that was the level of expectation By um the team by the administration by The donors um you know and so anything Less than that would have been a Disappointment right um and we're proud Of our team we're proud of the players We're proud of the coaches and what they Accomplished heck to to have the Opportunity to go up to Boston right in Our backyard play in the finway bowl and Beat the University of North Carolina Get that ACC monkey off of our back look Here's a deal this Season could have easily been uh 10 wi Season and 11 yeah look at the team Right other than Maryland other than Maryland we were in every game yeah we Were in every game within the last three Minutes very very true Wake Forest yep Had two calls gone Differently at Duke and Wake Forest this This season I mean again great season I Still Think right well that's that's that's What I'm talking about right so we were In every one of those games with those ACC teams and then to be able to to Close out the season with a win against University of North Carolina with the ACC conference in in the suite next door
To see exactly exactly that's huge great Momentum and again hats off to coach MOA Uh his coaching staff and and our Players um and all of our donors that That have gone out and invested and Support our Program and I I don't know the numbers But overall we traveled very well to uh The Wasabi Bowl it was great to see Everyone in the camaraderie that we had And I know um I don't know what we did In 2022 but we must have traveled better Than we had in a while for the Wasabi it Was it was it was a packed House it was a packed house the energy Was palpable uh shout out to all the the Yukon football alums that that came out And supported us it was great to see to See everybody um and shout out to our Foundation team and the team in alumni That put on a great alumni event for Everyone um it was a phenomenal Experience and look you know Steve we Saw each other right yeah the people That I was I was talking to while we Were out and about a lot of those folks Weren't even Yukon alums that was the Best part I didn't even know that W A Lot of people that I spoke to that Showed up at that game they said look You know I I live in the area and I came Out to support the University of Connecticut because I love that University and what's what everybody
Body's doing there and I came out to Support I said wait a second so you Didn't go you don't have a family M they Said no they said we just wanted to be a Part of it B Boston is Yukon North So there you go that that is so great to Hear that is so we need to we as a University we need to continue to to to Leverage that excitement and and that Support build on that momentum for sure Build on that momentum for sure um I got A quick question about Ni oh man you got to go there right away Right away listen minutes you gotta go Easy question it's an easy question it's Not a hard question there no there are No easy questions when it comes to nil But go ahead no no well the well the Details of nil definitely isn't easy but This one this one's an easy question um The the uh more of the nil is going to Be moving in house I'm not saying all of It but more of it is going to be moving In house right with the Yukon Foundation um what what is the kind of Thought process from the University and I guess part of it is probably because Of Revenue sharing I because around the Country not just Yukon and I explained This to Steve not just Yukon but around The country you're going to see a lot Bigger presence inhouse from nil because Of Revenue sharing so you're going to See it at Ohio State you're going to see
It at Michigan not just at Yukon right So um but it doesn't mean that it's Going to eliminate outside nil but Because of Revenue sharing and Eventually the dollars that are going to Be involved in Revenue sharing um Foundations inhouse like Yukon Foundation uh at Yukon are going to have U a bigger impact from an nil standpoint Explain to people how that kind of works Because just just the the high level Part of like what what what's some of The reasoning how that comes in house And what that does and I I I'll give you A quick example from what I've read Online not related to Yukon relate to The unities uh like VCU for example Allow allows them to pay their Bas They're paying their basketball players Reported 380,000 a year right they don't Have football VCU obviously so um that Was just an example of one of the things That allowed them that they announced That going forward probably an Enticement from a recruiting standpoint But going forward that they would try to Play pay their uh basketball the men's Basketball players which obviously when You read that you go wow it's a sizable Amount and that's because of rev sharing Within their conference right their Conference yeah their conference right So talk a little bit about that from From Yukon standpoint yeah well here
Here here's what I can I can tell you First I I think you know U and this is All coming from the NCA versus house uh Settlement where you universities can um Pay you know 22 million in Revenue Sharing to to players I think it's a Great thing that it's coming back Inhouse to to the universities so we Have more oversight we have more control Um from a standpoint of being able to Make sure that our student athletes Aren't being taken advantage of right so I think that I think that's a great Opportunity for us and we can leverage That into educational Opportunities around economics and Finance for our student athletes and and And the the goal would be to make sure That they they're set up for the future For their life a after uh they play at At the University so so I'm excited About that opportunity um the details on How we do that at Yukon are still being Fine-tuned so there's not there's not Much I can I can I can talk about in That area um but you know look David Benedict is all over this he's he's Formulating a plan uh with his team um And and as that gets established uh more Information will be coming out uh from From Athletics and the ways in which People can can still be involved in in Supporting our programs and our teams Yeah that was going to be my last
Question I I know C Phil asked the Run