Transform Your Energy: The Truth About Nutrition and Coaching
We discuss how rearranging your diet can boost energy better than energy drinks. Coaches, let’s embrace a lifestyle change for lasting health, prioritizing protein, fruits, and veggies while avoiding dangerous shortcuts. Discover the process for a healthier, sustainable approach! #NutritionTips #EnergyBoost #HealthyLifestyle #CoachingAdvice #ProteinPower #SustainableDiet #FitnessJourney #WellnessWisdom #LifestyleChange #NoShortcuts
It's like rearranging furniture on a Sinking chip and I say the same thing About energy drinks hey coach I need More energy well did you have protein of Cars before your workout did you get Breakfast did you sleep seven to nine Hours no I didn't have time okay but Show me your screen time you have seven Hours on Tik Tok okay what are we doing Here okay so just to like truly have People look themselves in the mirror and If you have not exhausted all resources Right in coaching you talk to your Athletes you preach this every day about Showing up putting in the work being Consistent why can't you do the same Thing in your nutrition e i and here's a Solution I have for all the coaches that Are like well I'm considering noic Number one you don't need it if you Change your lifestyle you can it's Really hard to get fat eating a ton of Protein I've have had a number of Coaches hey what we're going to do here Is we're literally just going to eat Protein and produce we're going to eat And I share this on Twitter and social Media all the time half your plate is Steak eggs chicken beef a protein and Then the other half is fruit and Vegetables asparagus roasted broccoli Actually you know delicious vegetables That fills you up and then you Facilitate a calorie deficit and you're
Losing weight and you're not starving Yourself you're not taking a dangerous Medication that we don't even know all The consequences but it's a Pharmaceutical right and I just really Empower people like I understand I work With people who have to change their Lifestyle For the the lifelong process of like They may battle that every day that Voice in their head but isn't that so Much better than losing years off your Life not being able to play with your Grandkids like the best years of your Life are going to be cut short because You took a shortcut don't take the Shortcut and I know I'm gon to maybe Somebody will come and attack me do you Know doctors it it is a shortcut in my Eyes because if we're in a profession That preaches process process process And then you're trying to skip the Process like I'm sorry I'm just going to Put it back on you consider the process And you're going to find that I can do This