The Truth About Discipline: Raising a Resilient Generation

Discover how discipline and hard work shape our kids’ futures. We emphasize the importance of standards, consequences, and true achievement. Let’s address the soft generation and redefine what it means to earn success in sports and life. #DisciplineMatters #ResilientKids #HardWorkPaysOff…

Discover how discipline and hard work shape our kids’ futures. We emphasize the importance of standards, consequences, and true achievement. Let’s address the soft generation and redefine what it means to earn success in sports and life. #DisciplineMatters #ResilientKids #HardWorkPaysOff #ParentingTips #YouthSports #LifeLessons #Achievement #Standards #CoachingLife #RaisingChampions

Love the discipline uh like it takes What It Takes that's one of my favorite Just philosophies is like if you really Want to do this like it does take What It Takes and parents are constantly Saying well my kid has to get up at 6:00 Am. and they start school at 7 okay well You can't control that but you can Control that you allowed your son to Stay up till 3 in the morning playing Video games so I don't want to hear this Nonsense about it's too early like it Takes What It Takes you're either Willing to set the standard and the Discipline and home and I'm going to say This because I come from my dad is a Single father I learned a lot of stuff At a young age which has made me the Follower of Christ the business owner The coach the dietician all the things That I am but we had chores and there Were consequences to when we didn't do Things and it was on us to get those Things done and you appreciate things a Heck of a lot more when you go through Blood Sweat and Tears to earn them um so I just think that they're yeah there's a Lot of kids out there right now that are Constantly like we have a soft Generation and I can say that because I See it and it's my job to tell them like You are great but everybody is Constantly telling some of these kids You're nothing but awesome you're great

You're you're telling them all these Things they don't know the difference Between first place and last place now Because everybody's great and even kobby Bryant I mean we just look at the way That things are going with participation Trophies I really want to see coaches I Want to PE I want to see people take a Stand and say hey what is the difference Between first place and last place Because there is a difference because if We don't teach that then what is the Point of working hard or putting any Sort of discipline into anything because It doesn't mean anything anymore Championships mean zero right that's why I do love football and then I also love Um uh some of the individual sports Like track wrestling swimming

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