The Future of College Sports: Revenue and Retention Challenges

Our discussion dives into the evolving landscape of college sports, focusing on player recruitment, revenue sharing, and the impact of NIL money on team budgets. Discover the challenges schools face in keeping talent amid rising financial pressures. #CollegeSports #NILMoney #PlayerRetention…

Our discussion dives into the evolving landscape of college sports, focusing on player recruitment, revenue sharing, and the impact of NIL money on team budgets. Discover the challenges schools face in keeping talent amid rising financial pressures. #CollegeSports #NILMoney #PlayerRetention #RevenueSharing #AthleteRecruitment #NCAAFuture #SportsFinance #CollegeAthletics #TeamBudgets #FutureOfSports

But it could take it won't take place This year if it takes place it would Next year okay all right so I think That's great for Yukon um just being Able to we'll have a better chance of Retaining players that's the thing that I I think hurts us the most is we have To recruit our own Players um and that's what all schools Are having to do you have to recruit Your own players there's tampering going On And there's no way to police it now you Know Phil Said with Revenue sharing and all that I I I think that's great that they plan to Try to advise players on putting money Away putting money into trusts and Having them set up for when they Graduate I think that's fantastic and I Think it's fantastic if they're able to Control Salaries I think the NCAA should do that With everyone because I mean if you just Look at this year $20 million for Texas Think five years down the road what's That what's that number going to be You're going to have television revenue And you're gonna have nil money I mean You're G to talk about teams Having like almost NFL salary cap money To spend not that much but I mean you're Talking 50 60 million dollar Dave 56 no 22 million he said well in

Television yes but the nil money Combined with the television Revenue that's what I'm saying we have 20 million in nil money no no no no no No no no we we had probably 1.5 million In nil money this past year we hope to Get maybe three million in nil money the Issue is we don't have television Revenue money that the other conferences Have now they cap they Capa that at $22 Million

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