Thank You for Supporting Our Sports Podcast!

We’re incredibly grateful for the support around our podcast highlighting former athletes. Your engagement has energized alumni and strengthened our community. Join us as we discuss our plans to elevate connections and collaboration among all sports! #SportsPodcast #ThankYouFans #AthleteStories #CommunityEngagement…

We’re incredibly grateful for the support around our podcast highlighting former athletes. Your engagement has energized alumni and strengthened our community. Join us as we discuss our plans to elevate connections and collaboration among all sports! #SportsPodcast #ThankYouFans #AthleteStories #CommunityEngagement #AlumniConnection #PodcastAppreciation #SportsHistory #FormerAthletes #UniversitySupport #NextLevel

I know we only got a few more minutes Here but let me let me say this uh I From the bottom of my heart I just want To say thank you to you guys for for What what you've been doing with with The podcast um getting former athletes And players on it's been really really Fun to watch and and to listen to um and So my hats off to you this is this is Great really appreciate what you're Doing and Steve I don't know if Kevin Told you not told you or not but you Know the promotion that that you guys Have done around the national SE Club Has been tremendous a lot of energy um You know I got a bunch of meetings Planned here so we can really start Talking about how we can again take this To the next level heard from a lot of Former alums not just in football but Across all sports hey this is a really Good thing how do we continue to move This forward um and engage engage our Alumni student athletes so just want to Thank you both for sharing the stories Getting people connected it doesn't go Unnoticed um and and the university is Is really appreciative and from the Bottom of my heart I just want to say Thank you really appreciate what you Guys are Doing and I will thank you as well Phil Because when we had our first Conversation in July when I thought you

Were interrogating me you uh I got to I Got to know you and you believed in this From the start you promoted this from The start and you gave me the confidence To keep keep going so I appreciate Everything that you've been doing as Well and

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