Teen Athletes: Understanding Hunger and Nutrition Needs
We explore the reasons behind constant hunger in teen athletes and how to fuel their bodies effectively. Discover essential tips on balanced meals, protein intake, and smart snacks to support their active lifestyle and ensure optimal performance. #TeenNutrition #AthleteDiet #HealthyEating #SportsNutrition #ProteinPower #BalancedMeals #YouthFitness #ActiveLifestyle #FitnessTips #FuelYourBody
He's always you know working out uh at a Practice and he's hungry all the time And I get in this dis this uh discussion All the time my wife I'm like listen let Him eat something and you know she's Always worried about well is he eating Too much right which which I understand Like we you don't want your you want Your kid to stay have a good body weight Right and he and he's a lean kid he's a Lean muscular kid but he's always hungry Like he tells me this all the time I'm Always hungry I'm always like I'm always Hungry you know what I mean and so talk About that a little bit and I'm sure With teenagers I you know Derek probably Remembers this himself I remember myself When I was in high school I like I was Always eating some you know what I mean Um and uh and I never got fat from that In high school now when you get older That changes But I'm like man I don't eat half of What I used to eat when I was younger And I I'll get fat immediately but uh But it's uh um talk talk about that for Like young people and in and playing Sports and how much eating is too much And and how how what is the right amount I don't know absolutely so it really Depends right any good practitioner will Say it depends because every phase of Our life is going to require different Habits right different routine different
Fueling and obviously our metabolic rate Decreases as we age so we're not burning As many calories we're also not growing And developing a body anymore that's why Adolescents are always hungry um but There also that could be a number of Reasons he's not eating enough protein Because protein supports satii so I mean I would love to look at you know hey What is he eating how much is he eating How many calories is it all Carbohydrates because if a kid eats Nothing but Pop-Tarts and popcorn and Chips and candy and very little protein Of course they're going to be hungry all The time their muscle is literally Craving amino acids and you know even The brain as well so just keeping it Super simple and simplifying you know I Always say three to four balanced meals With two snacks that's very simple right And you can spread it out throughout the Day but most athletes are probably going To feel hunger every couple of hours Especially as they're competing so some Of the simplest things that you can do Is always pair protein and produce um Because protein support Sati you're also Getting fiber from the produce so some Good examples are going to be like a Turkey sandwich with some grapes you do A string cheese Greek yogurt and berries Getting them just into the routine and Building that consistency that's the
Best place to start adding in protein You can do a protein fruit smoothie Using milk and Greek yogurt I mean I Have protein fruit smoothies that do not Require any protein powder and it's Greek yogurt milk Nut Butter some Oatmeal and a banana in there