Talking QB training and development with Malik Rossier. Hosted by Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale
Talking Drama in College Football and Pro Football with Coach Schuman and Coach Depascale
It's not my Problem it's not my Problem when I feel that met Wo and I'm Piss when I li amazing all of the time But I'm never sure I Need all right we're going live Uh so yeah let's continue our off so um I wonder at FCS what are the best Parameters no best stadiums I'm curious Is does FCS have a I know if you want to Go FBS there H you're like that's part Of it like right like your stadium has To hold a certain number of people is There any limit for FCS I don't think There's I don't think there's any Parameters right I highly doubt it I Highly I think at FCS they they're Basically like if you're willing to go And lose money every year and be a Football program and give scholarships You're in Baby because it can't it can't be a Money maker I mean you know who probably Does make money North Dakota State Because they keep making winning the Championship so they probably get that TV money my guess our guest just Messaged me and said he's he could join If we would like oh okay great Um you're 100% right but I also think Like a lot of those things that dial Into those guys too like remember like North Dakota State what else is out
There right like South Dakota State what Else is out there the money gets spent There because like here we go you know No doubt they're the only what is it the Only they're the only show in town South Dakota State Football let me see here Uh oh it's pretty nice southa State's Pretty nice Montana Phenomenal I got we gotta share since We're on we're on this wild topic that Has nothing to do with anything it's Great what do you mean this has Everything to do with the kids of Today that's let me see how how can I Get a better view of this let's See you could see it right on the screen That's what this is South Dakota State Not North probably I'll probably end up Being frozen well who was just uh what Was pretty nice they got they got like VIP look at they got a Jumbo listen it's pretty Nice anybody who's from New Jersey if They've been to Mount Olive Mount Olive Got a jumbo and and that seating too Which is incredible for high school Wellow if you go to high school or if We're going if we going to high school We could show those I mean look or you Could do like you know that's yeah That's different like look here I saw a
Thing the other day too like colleges That uh FBF schools that play in Pro Stadiums have you seen this one that's Al that's where uh Kyler Murray played Oh yeah but it's that's a multiple Districts playing at one place you know What I mean no I no Allen Allen's only One Allan is just for Allen is that crazy You're right most a lot of times in Texas that is the case hold on which Dude what's wrong with that like let me Let me how come I can't show it it's Because people in New Jersey are so damn Territorial U let me see if I can share It now I think coach is on here too hold On let me uh I want to see if I can have You seen Allen Stadium dude yeah it's Phenomenal it's phenomenal that's it Right there yeah and they only only Allan plays there that's crazy dude for High school yeah look and to be honest Like we know the best football comes From certain States but like when it Comes to that stuff like Texas takes Takes it like their facilities I think For high school guys Phenom right Because you know Florida don't have that Stuff no we don't all right let's bring Coach in what's going on Coach what's Going on how are you guys good good What's going on I'm uh yeah sorry I'm a Little late I uh I run a company called Kiddo kinetics we do some kids based
Stuff in Orlando so I was scrambling Around with that so sorry I'm a little Late but glad to be here coach you're Good buddy you're all right we just Appreciate you getting making some time Getting on and we can pick your brain a Little bit yeah of course glad you guys Uh invited me Here we were just whipping through um Because we were talking offline while we Were waiting and we were just whipping Through some of the FCS stadiums like Which ones were nice and which one were Because we were we were talking because I played at Yukon back when it was FC it Was just transitioning but we're still FCS okay and we were like we had the 18,000 seats on one side and then it Looked like you would go into like a Youth football stadium on the other side It was hilarious which is actually an Excellent transition for Coach because I Mean look like he played at the highest Level you know University of Miami like When it came down to Stadium wise which One did you enjoy the most and which was The Toughest yeah So toughest I would say Nebraska um and I didn't Brad Kaa played that game but I Remember when we went to Nebraska I know There's an old rivalry between Miami and Nebraska um Mark Rick's from Nebraska so There was some you know family stuff
There um and at the time they had a Really good run game I can't remember Who their running back was Abdul was his Last name I know start oh yeah yeah um Abdul Abdula maybe what is it Amir and They had the first round defensive end Rander uh Gregory that was really good Good um so that team was good and I Remember every time you know they got a A three yard gain I was thinking that They were scoring a touchdown the uh the Crowd erupted every play it was it was Definitely something interesting and it Was it wasn't hostile to a sense to Where like Florida State right like you Walk into Florida state they're cussing You you know you're probably get the Middle finger maybe spit on like it just It is what it is but like Nebraska they Were nice they were like we wish you Guys the best we hope everyone has a Great game like we're like What like This is not how like this is Like this ain't hostile territory like Yeah at all but they they loved Corn Husker football they screamed every play No matter if it was a big play or even a Three- yard game so um that one to me Was very unique um but I say to me the Nicest stadium is definitely the Hard Rock I mean it's an NFL stadium it's a Pro Stadium um I I know they have gotten Better because know for wild was kind of Hard on them they've gotten better with
The field that was one of my biggest Issues playing at the Hard Rock was that They the middle right of the turf from The Dolphins to the logo so sometimes if It rained that night in between the Place got kind of Shifty I remember Playing Syracuse there was a whole cube Of dirt that came up because I slipped And fell um but I think they got a lot Better but I would say at least The Fan Experience right it's nice the bathrooms Are really cool it's funny I hear a lot Of fans talk about the old Orange Bowl And one thing that they praised the Hard Rock is the bathroom specifically talked About how terrible you know the old Bathrooms were they're just pee and Everything every which is hilarious so Funny these bathrooms are so nice like They're like we missed the orange the The uh old Orange Bowl but they were Just like the bathrooms and the Hard Rock are really nice and I love the Experience so um I'd say as a player Playing in that stadium and obviously as A fan going um that to me is one of the Best experiences for college it's Awesome cool uh coach what we usually do Is we we have we have you know the guys That come on talk about like kind of Their journey of playing and what you're Doing now um if you could kind of like Dive into that to like your whole you Know your kind of Journey as a player uh
You know at Miami and and and and now What you're doing as a QB coach and all The stuff you're doing talk about that So um my journey started off in uh Mobile Alabama it's funny because I'm in Florida um and there's not a lot of Youth tackle football um and in Alabama At four years old we had the helmets on Shoulder pads knocking helmet so like Very used to physical contact um but Start off young playing down in Mobile We to Bayou then moved to mobile um was A two sport athlete so one thing um Besides me being a fan of just Miami Football growing up one thing that made Me go to Miami um was the fact that they Were one of the only big d1s that me Play both baseball and football um so my Freshman year I played some baseball um But there was some stuff where like the Baseball team wanted me to go to the Summer league and I was like well I Can't really be doing summer league and Be focusing on football because at the End of the day football's paying my Scholarship you guys aren't so I'm not g To sit here and pay this tuition that I Don't have to play baseball um so I W up Sticking with just football um we had The coaching change um that took a Really interesting impact on my life Because when Rick came and there's an Article in the Miami Herold about it um When Mark Rick came um after the spring
We had Brad Kaa um it was myself Vinnie Tessie Jr and then one more the Quarterback and at the time they knew They had Brad so like Hey we're set with Our number one we're basically gonna Recruit our number two and Rick sat me Down he was like Hey man like I think That you could be a good player but he Was like I just don't think you fit my System like I think you should go some Else um and I remember that was the First time I've ever heard a a coach Really be honest because there are Certain coaches that they'll just kind Of lead you along and not really tell You anything and then he was the first One to really like set me straight um And then for me you know that's why I Tell a lot of guys like you got to Understand the mindset of your coach Right I had to understand that when I Had James Coley Coley was all about Change the game make a play right he Wanted us to extend plays throw off Platform things like that with Rick he Was always about minimizing risk like It's okay to take a sack it's okay to Away it's okay to take the check down Right he used to praise us he used to Praise us more in practice for hitting a Check down to a running back or tight End than he did throwing a poster ago And that's because he knew how hard it Was for you to discipline yourself to go
To one two now back down to three and That was the side of the game that Rick Really helped me with but it took for me To realize these are my mistakes right And kind of get over that um so there's A lot of stuff I give Rick for just Really understanding how to play the Game not just hey you're a an athletic Guy but actually how to play the Position at quarterback you know that Was one thing that I tell a lot of my Young guys like if you're athletic That's cool but learn how to play Quarterback and then let the athletic Ability kind of take over when it needs To um so kind of like I played at Miami After that I spent a year on staff um With with Diaz at Miami um I was in the Recruiting department then I went to Georgia where I was with Todd monin Buster fauler and the Gang um it was Funny Todd recruited me when he was at Southern Miss as the head coach and Buster recruited me when he was a Quarterback coach in Middle Tennessee so I had really good relationships with Both of them prior um so it was just a Funny situation I wind up being with Them um and then after that I was like Well I learned a lot you know there's a Lot of ex's NOS um game management but I Was like my biggest thing was that you Know if someone throws a bad ball I Don't necessarily know how to fix that
Right I know how to tell a kid hey this Is the progressions I know how to tell a Kid hey this is the coverage but like if He spikes it or if he overthrows it like Like what's wrong with him fundamentally Um so that's what really pushed me not To do more of my own personal training By myself um but shift over QB country So that's who I'm with David Morris is Our head guy he actually trained me in High school um you guys know some of his Quarterbacks Drake May Bo Nicks um Riley Leonard Arch Manning uh Duce Knight KJ Lacy we have a ton of young guys that Are really good um but I but in my League it was basically uh me McCarron Um AJ was one of his guys and Jacob Coker um so I remember growing up kind Of training with those guys and I saw How many guys he had either in the League or going into college I was like Let me learn from him so I learned a lot I'm still working with him um I trained Primarily out of Tampa but every two Weeks I do go down to Miami um so Because Emory Jud and Luke Nichols are All in QB country whenever they're in Miami they'll be training with me some Whenever they're available um so it's a Really unique experience whether my kids Go to another state where other kids you Know wind up traveling to Florida um They're still going to get kind of the Same training so it's a unique system
That we have um at the end of January We'll do some it's called a quarterback Experience but do stuff with the Senior Bowl because they're in Mobile um our Head guy has a really good relationship With Jim naggie um so we do some you Know Senior Bowl QB experience type Stuff that's really unique um so so I Really love the group that I'm with um And then outside of that um you guys can Kind of see um we do the Rival series One thing that um I'm trying to help High school kids out with and it's Really help especially for if you guys Know any High School coaches um right Now working on Naples Plant City West Palm and I'm trying to get Tallahassee Making a two-day Camp $40 a kid um the Way we're going to structure it is Saturday we're working with college Coaches obviously not D1 but but certain Level of college coaches that will be Out there coaching the kids during Skill Drills right so receivers coach we coach The receivers DB coach DBS Etc then on Sunday right everyone loves a seven on Seven scene I'm a big fan of it but I'm Always big on do it with your high School team do it with the team that you Know the college coach is going to see You come out and play with right so then On Sunday it'll be a seven on seven Competition kind of best of the air Right we have best of Naples best best
Of Miami best of plant which would be Like Tampa Orlando then we'll go up North um but we're trying to get teams And coaches involved I'm even trying to Do stuff where on that Saturday Skill Drills right we'll get it recorded So That these kids have film that they can Send like I me when I was younger right You' pay 40 to 60 bucks you go into These camps you do your drills and that Help you get recruited well now some of These camps are so big right they're Invite only so like some of these kids Are good athletes but they have no way Of going to these camps certain camps They overprice them and they do no Recruiting for them but they they they Swear they're going to do recruiting for Them um so that's kind of where it's Like I've been there I know what coaches Look for I know how to get you the best Bang for your book we're not going to Sit here and charge you hundreds of Dollars for recruiting it say it's 40 Bucks and most of is going to pay and Feed the coaches in the in the uh refs Um so that's really what we're trying to Develop in the State of Florida and Hopefully I saw you guys talking about Texas um I have some Texas connects Hopefully next year we can BR this out To Texas as Well cool so um so you're you're you're Working for QB country is that is that
The group that you work with Okay so They have like they have like franchises All over all over the place right yeah So we have mobile Birmingham Atlanta North Carolina Tennessee Texas Denver Florida New Jersey we're we're we're We're moving and what's crazy is he's Turned more people down to be a coach Then he has like said hey like I want You to come coach me it's been more hey Like do you fit kind of what we're Preaching because again right it's at This age is yes you can teach them but Like the impact you can have on some of These kids lives personally is also a Big aspect like we at the end of every Session we pray for our kids right I Always tell the kids you don't have to Join on prayer but just know that I am Going to pray for you if you guys so It's like it's a different type of bond That we try to build so like the person You are um is is even more important Than the quarterback coach that you Are what uh so what ages are you working With kids from like young kids all the Way up to high school or yeah so right Now um I try to stay at 10 and above I'll do some younger kids but my biggest Thing is that like One I don't want the parents out there Because because like it is it is costly To obviously private training so it's Like I don't want the parent paying and
The parents like well my kids's not Doing this or that or the kids just like He's more having fun with the game right I feel like by the time kids turned 10 To 12 especially nowadays they really Know whether hey I want to be a Quarterback right I love football at the Ages of like nine and eight years old They're more just having fun with the Ball um so that's why I try to stay 10 Above if you got a young kid that that's Under that that's super passionate right He's been doing because I know some kids Right they'll have those kids in skill Drill since they were six years old Ladders all that stuff right if you have One of those type of kids that just is Obsessed with football I'll take them But again if you're you're talking to a Dad of one right here but he's got a NY He's got a nine-year-old that's been Slinging this thing for years already I'm saying there are certain kids right That's like they've been doing this for A long time and they love it and then There's other people that's like oh I Want my my son to be a quarterback he Hasn't really played football and I'm Like okay I don't sit here and charge You and then like your son might not Like it he might like it and it just Becomes like I would say experience but It's like you almost feel like it's a Money drink not what I want he has no
Idea what they need to have a baseline Ability to throw the football um you Know what I mean because if they're Coming to you like and haven't even Throw a ball that's gonna be that's Going to be uh pretty hard you know but You're right it's I mean QB is is become Um it's funny because there's not that Many spots and it's like kicker the Sense that there's not that many spots And everybody wants those few spots that There are and amazing like I noticed on The kicking side of like uh uh camps and Stuff like million kids go to the the The kicking camps just like a million Kids go to the QB stuff and like they All think that they're going to have an Opportunity and they don't realize that Um most of them should keep their Options open position wise even even if They're playing QB you know what I mean Because because making it as a Quarterback at at at a college level you Got to be special and that goes even to The um to D3 level like there's not that Many spots right so if you if you end up Playing college football as a Quarterback I mean obviously you played At the highest level so you're you're an Elite level Quarterback but but guys that are Playing in college period there's not That many spots and you have to be very Very good to be able to get an
Opportunity and it's it's funny how all The parents try to just Run back um which is great for you guys By the Way like you Know's but it it it is listen talk about The unique skill set I think because This is important for parents to Understand the type of skill set that You think and it's not just athletic Ability and and throwing ability but the Unique skill set that you think uh Quarterbacks require fire into in order To be Successful yeah um I would say number One learning how to lead you know I I I Think a lot of guys right when when you Look at old school leaders especially Like a lot of people think military Style leaders right they're yelling They're screaming they're like faces Bulging and I'm always big on you got to Know how to communicate with your guys Like prime example right like Daryl Langum that has two of the biggest Catches to me of our season the Florida State touch down and then the back Shoulder fourth and long versus Georgia Tech I would dull cuss him because Daryl Would respond to me cussing him out but Like Aman Richards I would never cuss Aman Richards out it had nothing to do With like me being scared of Aman or Anything like that but it was more like
That's not what motivates Aman right Aman I'm more just like yo like when I Throw it to you again you gotta catch it And like that was it that's all I had to Say to Aman right because because I know It it pissed him off more for him than It did for me you know what I mean so It's like you have to know how to lead Your guys again they like offensive Lineman like I'm cussing them out Sometimes times you know what I mean It's just like because that's what their Coach does so that's what kind of Motivates them so you really got to Understand how guys kind of interpret What you say I always say it's kind of Like why most arguments start right it's Not what you say it's usually how you Say you saying with the attitude or you Saying it where I feel like I'm Personally attacked right like same way Kind of with Jeff Thomas like Jeff Thomas was someone that felt like it was Him against the world so I knew when I Talked to Jeff I had talked to him very Calmly right I wouldn't go up to Jeff Running and cussing him out because First thing he's going to do is like man Forget this I'm not listening to nothing You're saying but it was like I was like Yo like this is where the route like Let's get better at it you know like Then he was like okay I got you like I'm Not going to make that mistake again so
It's like learning how to lead these Guys because everyone wants this huge Vocal leader and I'm like yeah there's Times right there's situations that's Why I talk about quarterbacks have to Understand situational football like I Always say like you can feel momentum And there's certain drives like I'll Tweet like if this team does not score This drive there's no way they're coming Back there's just no way because again You can kind of you kind of got to Understand how football flows and so um To me I I think really learning how to How to lead and then learning Situational football right I feel like More quarterbacks get judged off third Down Red Zone and two minute drives if You can be successful in those three Categories as a quarterback you're gonna Play for a very very long time and again For the most part I tell my kids first And second down right you're probably Gonna be running some it's probably 5050 Between like run pass but that third Down those red zones that's what we got To be great at that's where we really Got to excel because if you're going 70% On third down and you're converting in The Red Zone people are going to love You because that means you're putting up A lot of points and you're doing your Thing as a quarterback um so those are The two things I think quarterbacks
Really need to lean in on is learning How to lead really their players and Then learning situational football Because I think that's the side of the Game that you know a lot of guys talk About taking shots but I really think About like when I break it down on you Know what beats teams I look at their Third down conversion I look at their Red zone conversion I look at hey that They score in the two-minute drive Because that's usually if you're playing A good team right we talk about the NFL All the time when you talk about like The Patrick Mahomes the Tom Brady if It's an even score and they have the Ball last right that two-minute Drive They're going to go score and that's Just what makes them great right if it's A close game and they have the ball in That two-minute Drive they're going to Go score um and so to me those are what Quarterbacks really need to lock in on a Situational football and learning how to Lead I think that's a real unique Perspective right they like we've never Had anybody really kind of break it down To that level where you're talking about Look like be good on third down right be Good in the red zone and then be good in Two minute right so to break it down on That level when you look now we're Talking to a lot of guys that like we Were just said everybody wants to play
Quarterback but like look everybody can Throw right because you go to these Showcases right Dave what's the first Thing we always see it's like oh Everybody's throwing a fast ball Everybody wants to throw the Deep ball Everybody's running it's like look buddy Everybody here can throw just as hard as You can right and then the accuracy part Of it is usually kind of the next piece Of the puzzle but to understand like you Said situational football which is which Is what football really is right like Why were the Patriots so good for so Long they knew every situation whether It happened one time in 10 years they Practiced it they were aware of it they Knew how to do it so when you can do That and really kind of Express to these Guys that look this is where you have to Be really good in order to take that Next step to be elite I think that's a It was that's a great perspective like That our people need to hear thank you I Appreciate That as far as like Um uh the type of individuals that you Think fit well at quarterback I I think That you know basically any kind of Individual could be a quarterback as Long as they do what you talk about Which is really have the ability to Communicate I'm not I'm not talking About the skills part and all that stuff
Obviously they have to have those but The ability to communicate is is such an Important part it's an under under Develop part of the quarterback position Meaning coaches helping quarterbacks on How to talk to their teammates because You're right like I think your point was Really valid about how like you're right That wide that wide receiver over there You might be able to get on him and this Wide receiver over here if you get on Him he's gonna go it's over like yeah He's gonna stand closer to the sideline Because he just don't want to hear you You know what I mean like like his the Align gets closer and closer to the to The top of the numbers and he just keeps Moving wider you know so because he just Don't want to listen to you anymore so It that's an important thing how do you How do you coach quarterbacks in high School school on and maybe middle school Kids on how to To understand what works for their Teammates and how to communicate is that Something you work with them on at all Yeah so um one thing I'm I'm really big On my guys on is I tell them bring a Receiver out here like you guys have to First lead by saying hey man I'm going To get extra work I need one of you guys Or two of you guys to come out here and Get it with me so that's that that That's step number one getting them out
There right and once they get them out Right I'm I'm coaching him so when I was At Georgia right to monin is obviously a Receiver guy so during special teams Period he was with um Muni he was with George Pickins he was with um James Cook Right those guys and he was helping them With Ralph so it be like running back Anger routes it' be George really you Know sinking his hips getting in and out Of the break learning how to use his Eyes and his hands right so a lot of the Receiver stuff I didn't know because I Was with monin like during the practice I would just be over there just watching Learning how he's teaching them learning Kind of what he's coaching so in case I Needed to learn it right I kind of have Those tools so you know I'll teach Receivers do it they usually I'm hey man Dude I'm like wait is that how I talk to Him is that how I talk to you do I run Up and yell at you they're like no I Said okay so then learn how to talk to Someone and then again if he's someone That know this guy needs to be motivated By me yelling at him then that's a Different story so that's kind of where It's like teaching those guys kind of How to lead right how to go over there And really instruct it so guys can learn It instead of yelling at them so guys Are just like oh man this guy's yelling At me because I didn't do what he wanted
Me to do do and so that's kind of where You teach the guys the difference saying Hey man if you want to be great I know I Want to be great we have to do this so Both of us can be great like that's a Different approach instead of you run Over there yelling at the guy saying hey Man you went three steps instead of four What are you doing like that's the like No that's not how no hey man go four Steps roll out I'm put the ball outside The shoulder I got you let's get it it's That simple it's quick boom you're gone And those guys will slowly start to Follow you because you're not yelling at Them when they make a mistake because They know it you know same way you know It they know it at the end of the day Like the coaches are going to do enough Yelling at the guy especially in Practice that we need to be the guy that Can still talk reason but not have to be That like f you you know all all that Kind of Stuff great Point really really great Point awesome good awesome yeah there's There's no doubt that continuity right Like that just knowing that right like And look it's very easy for high school Guys you know like to me it's like hey Bro let let's go to the turf let's throw A little bit like even that stuff like Knowing it right like or just like the The more time look you referenced Tom
Brady before right he used to fly guys To the West Coast to run through routes And stuff in the offseason and doing all That kind of stuff right you see these Guys do that stuff a lot more behind the Scenes right I think it's one of the Like the one thing that isn't out on Social media is these guys you know Doing their own thing and getting work With with their their QBs and stuff that Continuity just changes it right like It's just that Brotherhood that little Extra step of knowing right like hey When he leans this way I know I can let It go now and he'll be okay or hey I got I know when he goes on this route that I Need to put this ball right here for him To really go and make that play those Little things are what separate it you Know at the next level and then kind of Wins and losses that's where you like That's where you win and lose games Right there is like knowing when and how Guys work together and with each other In the Ultimate Team game that football Is yeah and well we even work Situational football right especially if It's like a one-on-one session like I'll Tell guys hey you know give me your top Two third down calls top two passing Third down calls right and so we're work Some hey it's a clean Puck you know one Two three hitch ball hey now you're on Your third step you don't have time to
Hit we're going to move you with your Guys still run the out now it helps guys Reinforce because again in high school You're not going to have a perfect Pocket right the situational throws are Going to be cover zero right you got to Work those but you need your receivers Not me catching it or me having a dummy Over there you can throw I need guys Running I need your guys because that's The guys you're throwing to on Fridays So that's another you know thing that we Work we work a lot of like I work a lot You know fast movement really you know The uncomfortable throws because I feel Like again if you have a pretty pocket You should better go one two three hitch And make the throw it's the off platform Throws right it's the one where it's Cover zero and you're slightly fading Away how do you still stay on balance And throw a good ball um it's a lot of Those type of throws that to me when They bring their receivers right we can Get more creative on how we work Situational football when it's just me It's hard because I I I can't see and Catch at the same time um so it makes a Little bit harder so that's why I'm I'm Really big on them bringing their guys Because it helps us with situational Football that's great great Point that's A really really great point because Sometimes kids don't want to bring their
Their receivers and that's the guy They're going to throw to and they need To bring them because that's that's the Person ultimately that you have to build The continuity with so while you're Coaching them they're going to get Better than receivers are going to see That I think I think that gives them Confidence too receiver you know Receivers are are always trying to They're always working their routs They're working you know their hands They working a a lot of different things Within there it's good for them to see The quarterback working on some things And not just you know throwing the ball To them and out out there having to Catch and them running the whole time You know why they drop three steps you Know what I mean so oh yeah my kids be Moving they're I mean we work I'll be Honest with you especially my younger Guys we work more off platform On The Run throws and we do in the pocket we'll Work some but a lot of times just roll Right roll left they got two seconds and They can have the rush offens line ain't Blocking a lot of times just more Movement um so especially when the Receiv receivers get out they see that Yeah we put in that work it's not just Sitting in the pockets a lot of movement Based Drills now Malik do you think that has
Anything to do with the way you like you Know how when you coaching that way do You think it has anything to do with how You were as a player because you were More athletic and more of a you know What I mean like I I don't think you Would be constituted as you know the Pocket dropb you know what I mean type Of passer you were athletic you could Get out and go make those throws on you Know those off uh you know those kind of Off platform throws do you think that Has has anything to do with the way you Coach the position itself or that's just How it is no I would just say that's Just what people are looking for now Like I would say even if you're a quote Unquote pocket passer right like I think About pocket passer nowadays or like Trevor Lawrence right I was say Joe Burrow Pock he's not like a Lamar Kai Not a dual threat like those guys move You know I mean even Patrick mahes I Would consider Patrick Mahomes a PO hell Yeah threat but that guy moves he's Going to run he's going to make all Platform throws so it's even like even If you're a pocket p There is no more of this you know big 65 Stone statue unless you're like the next Pton Manning you can think like crazy And get the ball out you got to be a Different type of breed because again They're smart guys now like I think
About Andrew Luck like Andrew Luck was Athletic he was smart as I don't know What 64 could throw it and big as Huge like I have a picture with me and Andrew and my like head's like at his Neck um so again it's just like it's Just crazy because like the game and and And you know the athletic ability of Quarterbacks getting better and better And that's just test him in the Defensive ends I think about now you Think about guys like miles Garrett Right JJ Watt these guys are they're They're freaks like I remember being With Nolan at at Georgia and he was 63 230 240 run to 4440 and you telling me you're gonna Stay in the pocket and not be able to Move there's no way good luck with that One you ain't gonna have a very long Career I'll tell you that much so that's More where it was like I know what they Look for Plus for us you know um we work A lot of like you know working different Type of throws right you want to work Especi like in the Highlight from like I Told kids you want one in the pocket Right maybe one throw deep left throw One deep right show show you have some Arm Talent But after those deep balls I Don't care no more show me you moving to Your left show me you moving to your Right show me you off platform show me You stepping up in the pocket really
Hard in delivering a strike show me Different types of throws because again Right 90% of kids especially if they're A D1 caliber even even honestly below That if they have a good pocket they Should be able to make those throws but Like if you go back and like I think About like our good guys like George Mcit right you go watch his film he his First two throws are deep after that It's all off platform it's moving to the Left moving to the right making guys Miss right because that's what college Football is nowadays right you can't Expect with how good some of these Defensive linemen are for you know 60 Snaps for all 60 to be you know perfect Pass Pro you got to make guys miss I Think that's one thing that you Especially watch you know the the top Guys this year right like cam Ward uh Shador Sanders Dylan Gabriel right kle McCord all those guys those guys can Move you know they're not statues in the Pocket um but to me right cam Ward isn't A dual threat he can run but that's not What he wants to do he wants to make Guys miss and throw so it's like to me The pocket passing has has definitely Changed with some of the athletic Ability of you know Quarterbacks what what do you think is The um biggest difference between guys That are successful in college and the
Ones that are successful in the pros Because that's always the hardest thing I mean look these NFL teams don't get it Right half time right so I mean and and They obviously have huge scouting Department so I'm probably asking you a Question that uh a lot of people don't Know exactly what but I'll CU in your Opinion in your opinion what you think Is the difference yeah I would say two Things and I I even think it starts at College I just think the NFL was just it On steroids I think it's one mental Toughness um I think that's something That a lot of young guys even now they They really don't have um when you think About the quarterback right we're the Only position and I mean I I don't even Know another sport outside of maybe like A solo golf or tennis where like win Losses are pinned on you like even in Basketball right they're not like oh the Point guard is the reason why the win Loss that's not how basketball works Even with baseball right pitchers yeah But again they It's Kind kind of Equivalent right it's like that pitcher Might be the only position only one Right that kind of holds it in like a Team sport but it's the same way with Quarterbacks where it's like you know You can play decent and win and cool you Can play great and lose and people are Going to bash you and it's like it makes
It worse now with social media it makes Even worse with sports betting you know There's kids now that are getting de Threats and getting all this crazy stuff On social media because they missed a Kick or you know got to 200 passing Yards need to get to 210 and this guy's Parlay didn't hit um so I think that Side right understanding like how tough You have to be mentally especially at a Quarterback position whether it's in the Locker right learning how to control Your guys or whether it's outside noise From reporters or social media um I Think that size's big and then secondly This really came from Brad um and and I'm and I'm I'm really big on it and I Always say there's there's really four Steps to me on being a quarterback Number one is learning your offense Number two is learning the defense right If I don't know what my offense is doing I can't function if I know what the Defense is doing I don't know where to Go the secondly is is learning how my Plays right match up so like when when We you run certain plays right if you Run like white cross right post cross Dig someone in the flats right you know If it's single high you probably don't Have the post but if it's too high now I Might it right so with certain routes That you're going to know hey based on The coverage these routes are dead right
So you got to kind of know what routes Match up with certain coverages and then The last one this is where it gets a lot Of especially young guys in the NFL is o Line dline talk right you got to know Run game you need to know pass Pro um Brad said that was the biggest Difference right we were in college it Was very easy hey we're going to go two Three protection sometimes we'd free Release the back but it was super simple You get to the NFL there's 25 Protections um out of the 25 17 of the 25 are on you you know what I mean you Got to know all the hot routes you got To know all the and that that's the side That gets a lot of guys is because it's It's it's it's not to where guys and Again when you're a rookie they kind of Baby you but it's not where they're Trying to baby you they're trying to Give you as much as they can because They know that right they can't they Can't be perfect on all the protections They need a quarterback that can say hey This is the protection this is what I See let's adjust it here and that's one Of some of the biggest differences guys Learning how to protect themselves um Because again the defensive lines are Really good if you can't protect Yourself it's going to be very hard to Get the ball off in the league um so to Me those are the two big ones is mental
Toughness because again some of these Cities like New York right very tough Media Miami very tough media La very Tough media right you going into some Big cities right you talking about now You're not in you know Tuscaloosa Alabama you're in New York City and Every mistake you make you're on the Times so it's a lot different on you Know the mental toughness and again kind Of just the mental aspect because again By by the end of the day you get to the NFL every Run's six foot plus everyone's Running a four something you know mean Everyone's freaking is it's the guys That can think and process information Are the guys that usually you know are Successful those are some great points Man like really really great points um I Mean the media side because we we live In the New York City area um Brutal there's No I mean you have one bad game you know And not a lot of quarterbacks can handle It um it takes a special quarterback as Evidence by every the New York team Stink every year right now so I me look You look at the guy like like who was The the last guy to be successful in the New York for a long time like Eli Man and what's CRA about that was that When he was at the Giants I'm not saying All Giants fans but a good amount of Giants fans wanted him gone everybody
Nobody nobody liked him nobody wanted Here why like he's the only guy to Really beat Tom Brady like like what he Didn't play the best throughout but like He did his thing he always was was Successful and so um I always say you Know grass isn't green on the other side Sometimes it is but not always so it's At the end of his career they were Benching him for for who they for G he Lost that that whole streak of most Games started they were benching for Somebody I don't even remember who it Was no it was because goo Smith was like They buried goo Smith on the dep chart Goino Smith was actually pretty good for The Jets and they they just harassed him You look at the Jets Gino Smith Sam Darnold right like they went through They just look Brett Favre was here for One year and like towards the end of his Career and they they dude they they Crushed him he goes to Minnesota and Like wins another couple years it's Listen it's a hard Mark the position is Hard enough without all of that extra on It and look guys like Eli who when I Look at like you almost like didn't Think he had a pulse right like emotions Were never too high never too low just Kind of middle of the road type dudes You never saw him in the in the in that Big medium Market it's why like Derek Jeter was successful in in New York
Right because he was just a guy that Kind of like did his thing across the Board it's a very difficult place to Play I mean look at Miami like Miami's Tough as hell too the Dolphins like Who's the last guy that was a steady Eddie and had them winning on a streak Dan Marino like what are we you know What I mean like Tua gets crushed all The time oh Tua gets crushed all the Time all the time It's that's why they're that's why They're so high paid that's true that's True that's why that's why you are are High paid like that and if and if you Survive it like uh Eli uh uh did they uh Then they bring you back and they put You in the Ring of Honor and they Celebrate you after they're yelling at You And I think he's the finalist for the Hall of Fame you know so absolutely well Listen I have to jump off um uh I have To go into another one here um you want You want is coach still there or lose oh I'll let you guys continue okay and then You you can wrap wrap it up there yeah Yeah it's all good we we'll wrap it up All right Dave appreciate it all Right hey man like I said I know you Gotta go do your thing so I don't want To keep you too long I Appreciate wanted to pull in and grab Some food real quick I was no you're
Good buddy listen like I said I don't Want to hold you up um look I appreciate You taking the time some of the points Were absolutely phenomenal excellent um You know hearing it from a guy who did It at a high level and also look like I Think you have a unique perspective dude Like you know what I'm saying in terms Of you played at a high level at a very At a place where look dude University of Miami quarterback is very much like a New York media market in terms of you Know like you might be more in the Limelight than the than the Miami Dolphins starting quarterback you know What I'm saying when it comes to those Things because everybody's always going To compare you to the to the tradition And the history of of of those guys There itself I mean look just looking The guy that you played for in Mark Rick Right like he was a Miami QB so you knew You were being held to a higher standard Than everybody else in general right Like I'll give him his little flowers he Might have been third on the death but He was still there you know that was a Good roster he was on too that was a Good roster dude ridiculous right and Look I'm biased because I've always been A Miami fan maybe not as much anymore Since because you know ever since they Went to Adidas like I don't know I think It's just changed everything dude like
But I'm I'm a little awward when it Comes to that but um like I said I want To thank you again for jumping on and Talking some real ball um look we've had A lot of guys on this podcast that have Talked about it guys that have played at A high level guys that are coaching at a High level and doing all these other Kind of things I think you said a lot of Things that we haven't really heard Before in terms of you know what it Really takes to be great at a high Level you know talking about situational Football third down Red Zone like those Types of things the intangibles that go Into being a QB which in my eyes you Know is the toughest position in Football to Play collectively right um because like You said there's so much off the- field Stuff that needs to be taken care of in Order to be successful there's so much Work when it comes to you know teammates And things like that and then to also Have have all of that pressure on your Shoulders like you referenced as well Like it's one of the only Sports where Like wins and losses happens with you And you're getting blamed for it wins And losses like it's your fault it's That's what it is and you're in the Limelight all the time um and everybody Knows who the QB is no matter look and Everybody know and I'm talking QB in
General right which I think is why youth Parents automatically say I want my kid To be the QB because they don't even Know any half the other positions dude Like they they have no other Clue so I think that's a piece to it too It's like oh my kid will be the Quarterback and it's like well what Other name all the positions They don't even have a clue so You know and usually with with Quarterbacks too they have the most Lucrative contracts that's what a lot of People look at as well everybody wants The the money like look who did I I just I was just listening to Cam Jordan he Was on Julian edelman's podcast and he Was talking about he was just talking About money position dude and he's like Look I make one thing those guys make That that's just what it is it's how it Works you know what I'm saying so I I Don't I didn't want to like I was an old They made I was an old lineman in high School I was like hell no I ain't Playing o line like d Line's where Money's at I'm gonna go be a dine like Guys literally have this perspective and Track what they want to do based off of That at a very young age especially If Mommy and Daddy are pushing them to Be like hey you know like they might not Tell their kid I'm pushing you to be the QB so you can get me out of here we can
Get bigger houses and better cars saying But that is 100% part of that puzzle Well nowadays it's changed because like I mean when both of us was going up Right you really had to make it to the NFL now there's 18y olds making millions You you you can graduate it's listen Think about what you could have made in The portal oh listen I'm I'm trying to Slap the NCAA because they got that that Lawsuit infringement I don't know who Su Him but they won that that new Nil um Arrangement because again a lot Of guys from from like my class um we Never got right around that you you were Right in that like you know what I mean You were right in that Transition yeah some stuff transition Era yeah because we had some stuff where It was like I I know I was on like Billboards for the Orange Bowl I was on The yeah you were dude think about How many jerseys were sold with your Number on them bro they they they even Did something where it was like the ESPN Hulu bundle that I was on um they had Like my orange orange Jersey me throwing The ball my mom actually sent it to me Um there's a couple different stuff that I'm trying to thank you Mom she got it She knows what baby on yeah I know you Guys got the money so I'm gonna need a Little bit of it well listen and look And I'm just like look a lot of these
Guys and and for how fast this whole Thing has happened like and this could Be a whole another podcast for another Six hours talking about this you Know what I mean like how fast this Whole thing has transitioned and moved Um just like the numbers and the money And all that stuff stuff it's kind of Gone like you know above and beyond Really really fast but uh you know like I said I appreciate you taking the time We might have lost coach right now but Uh like I said um appreciate you taking The time a lot of unique perspective I Wouldn't say you need well I don't want It to sound like you know excellent Let's put it that way right a lot of Good information from a highlevel guy Who not only played at the highest level But also you know he was coaching at Georgia you know and that's the team to Kind of that is kind where it is right Now so um and I think we'll uh we'll Sign off with that and we'll end with That um we'll be back uh Friday um we'll Be sitting down with uh Rowan University Head coach Pat ruy who we've had on we Had on uh back in the I want to say it's Late spring early summer um when he was Just transitioning kind of had just Gotten to Rowan so we will now sit down With him after going through a uh you Know a camp um his first season there um In which they had a lot of success which
They haven't had in a long time and kind Of su of a kind of give it a state of The union in terms of Rowan football and Division three football and kind of how He's doing things there um so we'll look Forward to that so that being said um Appreciate all of you guys watching on a Regular basis uh like I said I hope we Uh I hope we are giving you things and Some tidbits and and just information in General I hope hope you enjoy the show As much as we enjoy doing it um feel Free to reach out to any one of us Dave Or myself um if you have any topics that You think you would like to hear or or Talk about or things of that nature you Know or or any individuals that you Think would be good to come on um we're Always looking for that stuff you know What look I think you've seen that we'll Put anybody on this show damn it um Awesome because I think that's that's What I love about this platform itself Is we're willing to talk different Topics all the time so that being said Hope everybody has a good day and we Will see you Friday e