Razul Wallace talking Football, business, and life with Steve Cully on Husky Talk
Razul Wallace talking Football, business, and life with Steve Cully on Husky Talk
Hello and welcome to husky talk I am Your host the best podcast host in the Universe Steve Cully I would like to Thank our sponsors at proon Partners you Are going to hear from them Next and then we also have Green Street Trust International owned and operated By ryell jump Ryell jump and his team offer a variety Of Services but they specialize in tax Plans for Businesses um if you need a tax plan and Want to save some money go to ryell Because he will get you more money in Your uh he could get you a return or he Will save you money and what you pay so It's Www.green trust.com um to schedule your Free tax planning strategy session I got That right and now for the man of the Hour Razul Wallace former Yukon linebacker And he still looks like he's got a Couple Series in them uh Razul welcome I've been trying to get You for a while while I can't believe I Got it done oh thanks for having me Steve I think we just been missing each Other a little bit you know no no you Just ignore me I know I'm not important Enough you know I I I I I I know where I Stand I know where I stand so that's Okay
Um I really loved uh I enjoyed playing With you um you just you kind of hit a Little hard and probably can cussed me a Few times um but and I I defitely Enjoyed when we went to the New York Dragons tryy out that was fun I got to Stay I got to stay at your house down uh Was it Hempstead where where did you Hicksville Long Island Hicksville Hicksville that's Right yeah that's right I forgot oh yeah So you're doing you're doing great right Now um are you still involved with the Husky Investment Group I am I am you are Okay it's I know it's you I know Bellamy I know I know some of the guy Mo Lloyd's In it Fincher right yep yep Sam was the Only one that dropped out right yes sir Okay so the Husky Investment Group now Just out of curiosity how did that kind Of come together was it just you guys All you know looking for something to do And you said you know let's let's try Real estate you know let's try to some Houses let's it actually started because A few of us in a group chat and um Yeah I wish I was H nobody asked me oh You're you're more than welcome I would Love to have you in the group chat you Know what it's funny I want to be in the Husky Investment Group how do you get in The Husky Investment Group actually Actually is a test you have to pass it Is it is possible it's just you know a
Small investment you just gotta be I Know I know I knowy football player and Then a small investment really yeah yeah And um so it started with a group chat With like you Fincher Mo Sam and then you just kind of decided Now is the Husky Investment Group Technically a business is it like an LLC it it is an LLC and oh Okay and we've just done two projects so Far we did a we did a flip last year and Then we just acquired a multif family And you know we're just taking it step By step good for you yeah yeah good for You good for you now you also are Licensed correct you got you you did get Your yes when when did that happened I Got my license in the middle of 2022 okay I Don't my personal Niche is not Specifically to do like um sell single Family homes I really just on you know Acquiring Investments you know helping people get Started in real estate that that type of Thing oh okay kind of like what Sam's Trying to do now Sam's trying to be more Of like a consultant and helping people Get started and you know walking them Through the process I talk with him and That's why I want to get you on laan's Podcast um Le and Marsh we do uh we we Do a real estate prod uh podcast broker It's called broker than you um that's
What Le wanted to call it uh and I know Nothing about real estate so it's kind Of funny the questions that get asked he Gets a lot of viewers questions and then He gets questions from me so it's kind Of it's kind of funny because I I just Don't know and there's so much to it um So it's kind of amazing now I know that You grew up in Hicksville Long Island um Did you play football early on were did You play as as a youth like uh eight Nine years old so I started about 10 and Um it was because my two of my my best Friends growing up Matt and Adam latch Off you know I hung out with them all The time and we used to play in the Street and they were like you should Come play and um so I started playing at 10: but at that age I was always kind of Like fast but I was scared of the Contact yeah the first three like three Years I kind of just sat on the bench Because even though I Karan I you you Shi away from I I can't even believe That I can't like picture razul Wallace Shying away from contact yeah that right There just blows my mind yeah so you you Initially did not like hitting initially I didn't Um that's that's funny that is that is Something I would not have ever believed Yeah um like I um I think I was around 13 and just got tired of being scared Really so then I well you you also have
A huge family correct yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah did did and and they played as Well right no no they didn't the only One you were the only one that played Football and then my younger brother Kind of kind of played after okay after I did he played also but outside of that We didn't really have anyone else in my Family that played so I mean it sounds Like you really didn't enjoy football or Early on but you play it Anyway um when did you when do you think You started to like enjoy it would you Say probably about when I was 13 and I Just got um tired being afraid of Hitting and I said you know what I'm Just gonna close I'm gonna bring it and And go as hard as I could and I I Knocked someone who was like the best Player on the team on his butt and I was And after that I was like oh well I can Do it and then well because you did you Play both Ways um I in when so my high school I Didn't actually but before I played Defense and um and some running back oh You had to play some running back let Play a little bit and like JV and Junior High yeah yep and youth football but Defense defense was always my primary Yeah I mean you were you are the Prototypical Mike linebacker I mean That's that's your thing Um so did you play varsity as a
Sophomore no no none of that no you were On JV as a sophomore yes so my school Had it was a very unique um situation it Was all boys Catholic school and yes From what I remember the only time guys Would play up is like after if the JB Season ended early so that you know that Makes sense now that's why you got so Many girls in college because you went To an all Bo school there were no girls So you had to make up for It yeah that's okay listen we we tell Everything on here yeah um I told a Story about how I got I accidentally Took Edibles and got high and um filled Out an application to go to Mars for Some reason I had an obsession for a Mission of Mars and I started looking For them and I found one and I applied To to go to Mars and was great but I Found out some things that were kind of Disturbing the first is I have no skills Like if you need to build something I Can't build anything I can't help build I can't help take things apart I can't Contribute anything so I put like my my Contribution would be promoter of Goodwill I would just like make everyone Happy and laugh and you know be nice you Got to be nice you're in a you know You're you're building the space station So you're kind of confined so I I got to Listen it took me an hour to fill out This application and at the end of it
There were two things I found out that Number one there was a weight limit you Had to be 215 pounds or under to to Qualify because you know they they wait On the ship so um I knew you know i' Obviously have to get gastric bypass Surgery to you know get down to 215 I'd Look Emaciated the you saw 215 what's that When's the last time you saw 215 the Last time I saw 215 was probably my Freshman year in High School freshman Year yeah so that that was disturbing And then the second part Was you're going to Mars and you're Building the space station but you're Not not coming back you're just staying There so I read that too and like you're Going but you can't come back that Is I I signed up I filled I filled out The Application um they're going in 2026 I may get picked still who knows You know maybe my application gets Picked wow even though I have I have Zero it was just it was just it kind of Hurt hurt me when I was going through Like can you like I can't change a light Bulb like I I I would be useless Building a space station and this is Like you know you're if if you screw up Like somebody blows away and just falls Into space dies so that kind of made me Nervous but yeah so that we tell
Everything on here so don't don't worry About that you know the women that you Got in college is something you should Be proud of we you know we the the guys Brag about it all the time um so you Played Varsity is a Junior and senior yep I Actually I didn't play my junior year Because I had a stress fracture are you Kidding me yeah yep only my senior year I got to play Varsity you you missed Your entire junior year yeah did you Were you able to go to any camps between Your Junior and Senior year no no how Did you get recruited um honestly so I Um I didn't really know anything about Recruiting at all and yeah I didn't yeah You didn't either I guess well I mean we Just sent out tapes we just made tapes And sent them out to my father got a Machine where you could dub them you Know the blank tape and the game tape And it would dub it really fast and then We'd mail it out to places and then it'd Be funny the schools that didn't like You would just send the tape back but uh Yeah that's how we did it how so you you I mean not having film anything no what Did you what did you Do it wasn't even on my radar to be Honest but my High School coaches were Actually like pretty good about it okay And they had some relationships with um With different coaches because got from
Guys getting recruited in the past and Um you remember coach tup of course yes Of course Coach T a head coach he was uh He went to my high school and he was a The coordinator at upen so I was and Interest from like Ivy League schools And Coach Orlando was with him at upan You got interest from Ivy League schools Yeah yeah what the hell did you get on Your sat I think I got a 1260 or 1240 oh My God razul smarter than me I got like A 980 on my sa I got a 10 I got a 1080 On my SAT you got a 12 something on your Sat yeah you know what funny me and copy Got the exact same score so whatever Score she had is what is what I had so You you legitimately Could have gone to an Ivy League school Um you would have qualified because you Probably had a high GPA too yeah so I I Had I mean in our school we did it they Did the old school percentages so I was Like which I guess would have been like A b student in high school so you were Like a 3B yeah yeah 1230 Sat yeah yeah so you would have you Would you would you would have barely Qualified for an ivy but you would have Qualified very like kind of like a they Can banding system people in that low Range yeah they were willing to bring me In There yeah because I co I coached an Ivy
League school I coached at Dartmouth and There's low band midband high band and Then like super high band yeah you would Have been like low kind of low to mid But it's fine I mean it's it's amazing That I had no idea that you qualified so Tup was recruiting you at to go to Penn Yeah and so that's how you had a Relationship with him yeah and then did You say Orlando yep Coach Orlando was With tupet pen or okay I didn't know That Orlando was a pen to yeah okay Because that's crazy so Randy got tup And Orlando from Penn and he got norice And Dave Warner from Bucknell that's Funny that he went to the Patriot league And the ivy league to get some Coaches um so two you know in Orlando Obviously so you okay so you must have Been a Randy guy I was actually offered As a late junor by Skip um so Randy must have offered you It must have been Randy's people that Offered you yeah um did so you must have Like killed it your senior Year yeah yeah yeah did I did that right But I think I Just I wasn't I don't like I don't know Stats you know football IQ was never my Strength you know what I mean no no it Was not you were you were not you were Not football Savvy you were not Definitely were not football intelligent But you could hit people and Tackle I
Could run I could run hit and Tackle Yeah yeah I I know um so they they Obviously must have recruited you and Did they bring you on an official visit In like December or January yeah at upen I did my official Visit at upen oh you did you did go to Upen First yeah yep yep wow in the midst Of that I guess is when they switched Over when they switched right towards The end of it I to I think I took my Last visit to Yukon so how many visits Did you take did you take all of them Yep I I think oh my God I think I went Went to I went to Um uh upen Bucknell Holy Cross Colombia And Yukon oh my God you went to the Cross Su I coached the Holy Cross yeah um that's Incredible I didn't I had no idea that You had opportunities to go to such high Academic schools that's that's really Impressive no got I mean really I I Didn't know um Holy Cross I loved and I I coached there 10 years yeah but Worcester worcester's a dump yeah um but Now is they just don't win um Penn is Very good you know I P pen would have Been a nice spot yeah but that's so That's interesting so what made you what What sold you on Yukon I think two Probably because the scholarship because Back then those schools you know it was Financial aid right it was it was based
On your household income how much money You would have to pay right so so full Scholarship Probably yeah you put together a pretty Good package but they did but but the Full scholarship couldn't be there and The other thing too is just just I just Wanted to test my medal so I wanted to Really just compete at the highest level I could that's how I was to yeah yeah so That's how I was dude like like Um I I was offered at La Northeastern Maine New Hampshire UMass um Buffalo and the only other like ruter The only they were the only onea schools But I wanted to like I committed to Yukon without even visiting without even Seeing it I just said they're you know They're goingon to be going onea Big East I'm in you know I I didn't I did I Committed wor in northeastern have some You know they they they comparably I Think what made you just say Yukon over Like you know well because because you When I was told Yukon was going onea Yeah we were going to the Big East That's the that's the whole reason I Took it like if it had like zero to do With the school I didn't care what it Looked like I never visited I wanted to Play at the highest level yeah so when I Heard that you know they were going to One
That was it I was like okay I'm going to Ukon yeah and this was when I don't know If you remember the Patriots were Flirting with go building the stadium in Hartford and Moving um and then or something like That what's that we were supposed to be Like sharing the stadium yes you're Gonna share it with them yes um but it Turned out Bob Craft was just using it For leverage to get what he wanted so he Got the Stadium built in Gillette but we We still were going onea Um sorry my throat's dry um so what was Interesting Is uh Mr Perkins he was the best the Athletic director he got a waiver from The NCAA because you know you had to have a Stadium that held 30,000 people or more To be 1A and we did not ours was 16,000 Right so we got a Waiver until we got our Stadium built so We could play 1A um and then they got The money and I believe they broke Ground in 2001 but um it was it was amazing like How how they did it and razul like I Talked to I I've done I've done I know you Probably don't watch My Husky talks um But you should but I yeah you do okay um Well I did it with some of the older Guys like um Wilbur Gillard um Robert
Bor guys that played in like the early And mid 90s and they were being told then that Hey by your sophomore year we're gonna Be in the Big E oh damn yeah it was it Was I had NOA idea that it it started Back then yeah and do you do you know What prevented it from happening what it Was the um people the people who lived In stores they did not want the traffic On I 9 195 really yeah they were worried That's why we that's why we never got The stadium on campus because they Didn't want traffic on 195 wow it was Ridiculous they fought it and fought it And fought it and fought it and it was Such so that's why I got built In East Hartford how do they deal with The traffic because gamp must create a Little bit create some that's what I Said that's what I said but you know Gampel you're talking 10,000 People us we would have been talking 40,000 people yeah so that's that's kind Of why they poo pooed it um but credit To you know I always I had I had Randy Etel on coach edel last last year um and If you look at it what he Did as a firsttime head coach was Absolutely remarkable you know in his First five years he was able to get a Stadium built he got us to 1A in the Big East and then he got the first indoor Football complex ever in the
Northeast Yukon was the only one that Had that that so coach edil you know he Fundraised he knew what he wanted and You know that's why he was built he was The groundwork that built the program um I I wanted to do like a podcast special About it and talk because you know I Feel that he's kind of been you know Forgotten and uh there's a sour taste in People's mouth after the second time he Left but I mean he really was the Architect that built our program I give All him all the credit in the world um So you go to Yukon you who hosted you on Your visit Jamar oh you had Jamar all Right love Jamar yeah oh yeah Jamar Showed me around had a good time you had A good time and so when did you Commit I mean probably right away I Probably knew before we got there that I Was going to oh you did okay so you so So you committed like on the spot pretty Much that's awesome that's awesome what What do you what would you say like made You commit was it just because it was The highest level I think well I think It was the the the fact that it was a Scholarship and the highest level the Scholarship and the highest level okay Now we endured The worst experience I've ever had in my Life which was freshman practice when we Got there now I come to find out I have I've talked to other people nobody else
Did this um really it just seemed to be Like a Randy thing and you know it got Banned after us you mean like freshman Camp yeah the Freshman camp we did Nobody else did that are you sure I Thought other schools did it just we Were like the last after like our years Like all schools just did away with it But I thought it was a more they all did Away with it but not everyone not Everyone did it like we did as far it Was more of like a walkth through it Wasn't like a full pads like practice That was like we got like I I I'll never Forget it like those Were like the four I think we had two Double Sessions and they were the hard in my Life yeah because in between we had to Do Orientation if you recall I remember I Couldn't Walk ring ring logistically it was just A nightmare yeah because you had to walk Everywhere and the Stadium's up here and You got to go here and I I just remember Being so sore now my my greatest memory Is razul after the first practice of the Freshman practice We had five offensive linemen okay one Of them we go to lunch with his name the Guy's name is Chris Johnson we go to Lunch with him We come back we go and we we get dress
For practice there's a note in his Locker saying that he quit he's done he Can't do this he quit after the first Practice it was it was Hilarious um and then of course I'm sure You remember the B of Eric hiltz you Remember Eric hiltz I remember Eric Hiltz Eric hiltz was my roommate razul You want to know what Eric hiltz did his First night no when we room together What he do okay uh you know we had to Get up in the morning and and get piss Tested and whatever and everyone was Uncomfortable and upset I mean I cried When I got dropped off um my father was Upset um you know we all were're kind of Homesick but so the first night we get I I get into bed to sleep hilts is just Sitting there like This and I go you go hey man you you Want to go to bed he's like you can turn The lights out I I'll go to bed Soon larm go larm goes off at 5:00 a.m. He's in the same Position I Go dude I like did you sleep he's like No I'm like why it's like I just kept Thinking maybe if I bang my knee hard Enough against the dresser I'll hurt Myself and then I won't have to Practice and then you know I'm not like I'm not a psychologist I don't know what To say to that what am I supposed to say To that I'm like oh well well okay um
Well uh I'm gonna go get drug tested now Uh I guess let's Go so um yeah we had the ba the ballot Of Eric hiltz The Freshman Camp was Absolutely Brutal um who was in your group was it Just you was it you and Jamal it was so It was actually because Jamal was a Safety oh that's right he was back he Was a part of the defense but it was me Ouie Mike McIntosh ma yep Greg Smoo that's right smoo started as a Linebacker and then then they moved them Down then they moved them to D that's Right that's right and then um we went To the Birkar I I kind of like the birkar now Everyone kind of hates on the birkar I I I I liked it I lik the food uh you know It was Cooler um you know we're out in the Country uh were were you a fan of the Birk shears or No um it was cool like scenery wise but You know I I like the food the food was Good the food was good I just you know Just all like football 247 was a lot I Think that was my oh it was it was it Was Madness it was Madness s nonstop I Could not wait to get on that bus and go Back to campus well it was it Was you you would practice then you Would meet and talk about practice yeah Then you'd meet and talk about the
Practice that's upcoming yeah you'd Practice and then you'd meet and you'd Review practice Yeah Yeah it it was just It was just nonstop nonstop um and You're sore the whole time the whole Time the soreness doesn't let up oh yeah You never get your legs back but what Was interesting is Randy went to the Model I think it was after like the First few days because guys just would Couldn't do it he went to he went to the Model Of Doubles then the next day was a walkth Through and then a Double doubles then a walkth through in A double he he kind of Switched the Schedule up which was new at the time And now that's really how everyone Practices nobody does two aay anymore Like when I coached at Holy Cross it was Same thing it was a walk through and Then a practice we I think we did maybe Two double sessions the whole time yeah So they they they took they took care of Us but you had what what I thought was Interesting you really Contributed as a freshman like you came In and you established yourself early On and I I just I I Remember I remember we ran a trap and And I had the I had The Head and Shoulder fake the defensive end and I Had to go block you and I believe you
Depleted me Um that's just what you did like you Just annihilated everyone um and you Were playing were you playing the the Mike at the time I think I was playing Will at first and then I got so you were At will they had ouie at the Sam didn't They y ouie was the Sam okay and Jamar Jamar was the mic and J started I mean I I I was playing but I was really more Backup I think to stro at will oh Kamari Strowman okay yeah and then um well you But I you eventually took over I did Eventually take over towards the end of Freshman year I did because you because I know you started in you you had a very Good freshman year yeah um because like Overall our our freshman class was not Great we had we had um guys I mean the Guys that played I mean it was really You it was bile you know it was Jamal Yeah um it was Smoo and Myself and big bigo played a little bit Woie and Tommy oh that's right ouie and Tommy okay right well that not too bad Yeah um but I mean he had to put he had To put together Patchwork that class Because there were a lot of kids that he Ended up getting rid of which was funny Yeah um and then you know it was Disappointing because that freshman year They had some Talent they probably we Probably could have won but I I know
Randy was looking towards the future Yeah he wanted the redir guys which he Couldn't cuz we at we had depth depth Issues everywhere yeah and the that but It ended up being a good thing because Freshman got experience yeah you you got A lot of experience as a freshman I did I did you know I want to ask you Um did you notice or how did you how did You feel like the first your first play From scrimmage in College rajul I for two weeks I I didn't Touch anyone I I I I I was playing Against um Rob long the defensive end Yeah and I I couldn't do anything yeah Like I I couldn't I couldn't get in his Way like it was it was abysmal yeah um It was such A speed difference technique difference Yeah um and I'll never forget after the First Practice um that Chris Johnson kid quit Yeah Eric Hilt was on the phone he was Talking about Quitting and then I was I was on the Phone to go next and I have I have no Idea how this happened but it's a Hilarious Story it was Ed and J Chuck and I I look At Ed I don't know Ed yeah I go Ed what are you doing Are I'm going to do what you're going to Do are we are we staying or we are we Going he goes full scholarship man I'm
Staying I called home and I said my I First said it was tough my I remember my Dad said you know what if if it's if It's bad you can come home you know you We'll go to Sunni Albany or something And you could play there and I said no I'm gonna stick it out and the whole Reason I did it was because of ET because Ed Ed said yeah we're gonna Do it so the other thing that happened Been my freshman year I don't know if You remember Eric Hiltz okay Eric hiltz quits the football Team Eric hiltz was my roommate okay so Those Friday morning workouts for the Guys that didn't play were peer torture Mike Golden just brutalized them um and H hilts would just get you know they'd Have leg pressing a thousand pounds and Ed would Squat and whatever the the two Funniest stories were they had to go out And run stadiums but the thing was they Put 365 on the squat rack if Ed squatted It once then they were done no running If if he didn't get it they were gonna Run so Ed gets I wasn't there that just Is secondhand they all told me Ed gets In there He's and and all everyone's cheering on Let's go ahead you got this said you got It you got it you got it so he gets it He gets he gets back He's and then he he goes down and then He just goes down crumbles and golden
Goes let us out to the stadium let's go He all out he had a for Ed didn't he Didn't he like messing with Ed oh oh Yeah he hated Ed because Ed had the Ed Had an air conditioner in his room yeah So it drove golden nuts Ed got a note From his doctor saying he had asthma so He get an air conditioner in his room it Was the smartest thing he ever did yeah Um so he hated head for that yeah hilts Okay when we would go away on road trips Hilts would stay hilts was like really Homesick he was a homebody so he would Have like friends come up and stay was He was a mass guy he was from Mass he Was close So it was homecoming he had a friend Come up we were playing villain NOA and okay I happen to go out I went Out with Antonio Grant smoo and a couple Guys we get fake IDs we go to the pup I Get I get absolutely bombed I'm Shitfaced yeah I come back to the room The kid is sleeping on the floor I'm on The blower bnk hilts is on the top I get In the Bed two minutes later I throw up I throw up all over the kid you throw All him all over him I just I just Hurled on him yeah curled on them hilts goes nuts the kid goes Nuts my puk's Everywhere um so I I go and you know we We try to clean it up as best we can I
Think we threw the comforter out the kid Ended up I think sleeping in hilts is Bed or whatever uh so the next day in Meetings because we had just lost to Villain NOA in overtime I Believe hilts is falling asleep in the Meetings and you can watch it his eyes Are going they're going and then they Finally Go he's out and norice notice norice Caught him norice gets up from his chair And he gets right in his face doesn't Say a word just gets right in his face Two minutes later hiltz looks up and There's this giant black man staring at Him he go he goes like this and norice Is like what the why are you Sleeping at our meeting this is and he goes it It was C's fault c c cly uh threw up he Got drunk and puked and it smelled bad And I couldn't sleep so I thought I was Going to get red the riot act I thought I was I thought was it it turned Out norice was you know I I had a 6 a.m. Workout or whatever but the veterans Were pissed at hilts yeah like for like You don't R out your roommate like why Would you R them out right so now hilts Is like everyone hates me now I have to Leave so he calls his parents we were Were in the room seven 24 H calls his Parents says I I I'm quitting I'm done I'm done and they're trying to talk him
Out of it and I'm trying to talk him out Of it I get Tommy Tommy comes in Tommy's Like trying to talk him out of it he's Like hey man just stay here we'll get Through this together we're on your side We forgive you we know all this I bring Ed in worst decision I could have Made I I say Ed Ed El's gonna quit we Gotta we gotta we got to talk him out of It okay Ed walks in Yeah like Hey so uh I hear you want to Quit and El is like yeah I can't do this Anymore I was like oh well all right Good Luck that's it that's what he did that's Hilarious and hiltz is line to his Parents was you can either come pick me Up I'm I'm either leaving with you in The car or I'm leaving in an ambulance Because I'm jumping out the window of 724 that's what he said swear to God I'll never forget it damn wor so his Parents came and picked him up and I That's intense yeah it was that was was That was intense but I mean he really Honest to God he shouldn't have been There he wasn't he wasn't in a Scholarship lineman he was 240 pounds he Wasn't going to put on weight he tried Really hard he just wasn't good um and He was was a late scholarship guy yeah So you I mean you played phenomenal your Sophomore year you know our sophomore Year was our 1A year you know we we go
To Eastern Michigan we we Jamal laid out Dion Branch at Louisville BC yeah I mean Do you have any fond memories from the From that year anything that sticks out Oh a lot of fun memories I think I was Um because I mean you you they moved Jamar to D end yeah and I believe you Were the starting Mike and I went to Mike and I went to mik and it was um you Know it was uh that was actually Probably my best year um I to be honest like my junior year I Think I was Like I had like heartbreak and that Really well because they I mean I know The junior year they they had Fincher And they put Fincher in well not I think It was really my senior they put But my junior year I was ready but I was Really kind of like I didn't even Realize it but looking back I think I Had like a like a mild depression kind Of my junior year a lot of us did a lot Of us did yes I did I did too yeah I did Too I I got my junior year I got moved To guard and I started and then I got Pulled and yeah I I definitely went Through depression and that's what Bellamy uh if youever if you ever watch Our show it's called a husk Health we Talk about the the depression and Anxiety and stress that college football Players feel but all of us push through It you know we never asked for help we
Always think we can get through it Ourselves and he said he experienced it Too yeah um and you know junior year for Me was depressing mostly because I was Super close with Ryan Tracy oh yeah I Had try Ry Ryan Tracy up to my house I Had Ryan Tracy I used to go fishing with Him and then he he disappears in the Middle of the night yeah and then then Then then it's like our season's Yeah do you you hear from Ryan Tracy Yeah yeah yeah he ended up playing Arena Ball for a little while and uh then he Became a teacher out in California I Could see him as a teacher you remember Him yeah he was very he was very Inquisitive I use a big word is that is That a kid yeah this is my baby she's Getting ready to go to school oh my God How you have how many are there there's Five in our house I got my three older Boys with coffee Jesus Christmas five my Girl has one from a previous Relationship and we have my sweet sugar Together is that is that Caffy CA is who my three older boys are With okay okay yeah I heard they're Great wrestlers they are they are yeah Great Kids okay hi yeah she is she is cute I Like that hat you like being on a Podcast you're on a podcast you're be Seen by millions of people yes yes you Are um so what what do you think the
Struggle was your junior year because I Mean were were you you were playing Right I was playing I was playing but You weren't playing well I wasn't Playing well but it was like I think it I don't know if you remember uh Sarah But I think that was like the first like Real girlfriend i' had and yeah yeah Broke up like that heartbreak really Just kind of yeah it carries over it's Tough to separate it really is I you Know I've been there when you know your Relationship falls into your Professional life which was football so Between the breakup with ER and then Football I mean it was it was a struggle For you your junior year yeah yeah and Uh you know then your senior year I know Fincher came in and and that's when you Kind of rotated with him yeah not so Much I was really more on the bench yeah Yeah I mean it was it was just again it Was it was not your physical talents I Mean you you had the body of a Greek god And you you could read and you can hit It was just schematically you know it Was it was a little bit more difficult Um with the coverages and your Responsibilities so that's why but I Mean you Still I mean you must have started 30 Games plus did I I I think you did I I'm pretty sure You you're you're a 30 plus game
Starter because you played as a fresh Fres man he played as a sophomore he Played as a junior and you know you Rotated in as a senior yeah so you must Have gotten 30 um were you were you I mean our Senior year was just Unbelievable um I remember being two and Six and you know the rally Started with uh Kent State and Florida Atlantic and then we shut out Navy at Navy and then Iowa State um and to me it just seemed like Finally like all the work we did like it Paid off yeah it paid off we beat a big 12 team that was ranked that was going To a bowl game and we beat the we beat The hell out of them and I thought at That time razul we were playing so well We could have beaten anyone yeah if we We had gone to a bowl game or whatever Yeah but I mean your your experience Overall I mean would you you were would You say you were happy with it I you you Love the campus you you love the Atmosphere you love being on the team oh Yeah I loved every bit of it except that That freshman Camp was terrible that Freshman Camp was the worst thing I ever Experienced I tell everyone that you Know one other thing I'd asked you about Your um your first play from scrimmage I Just yeah I got killed I got killed I Didn't touch my my first play from
Scrimmage in college and was you know we All together with the the upper class I Did not I didn't even move I Couldn't couldn't distinguish is Everything was flying by my face so fast Yeah you didn't know where you where to Go anyone and I remember at that time I Was like I was like damn I think this is I think I'm out of my league here you Know because it uh yeah it was such an Adjustment such an adjustment Coach Orlando runs onto the field he screamed What the you doing like I was like I just I just I don't I don't know I Don't know well like you and Myself um New York State football is not Very good yeah so it's it's quite an Adjustment it is Ed if you ever watch His high school high highlight tape was Is the greatest thing in the world he Played against midgets for three years It was good he was basically tossing Midgets the only guys the only guy who Really had a pedigree coming out was Tommy Tommy played at the bow school in Florida and then he transferred out and He he was a true like Talent who could Have gone somewhere yeah um Jamal was The kind of similar where where he you Know he he he was a hitter but he he Just didn't have the speed to to be a Safety to cover ground yeah um Big O Rotated in and play you know he played Here and there yeah um and ouie was ouie
Was really the star I mean ouie was the Guy who was a freak he was a freak but I Always said you and Ouie I was petrified to shower because Of you and ouie Because I you know I I I didn't shower The first week and the the guys caught Me and they they told me like dude you Gotta shower I I would go back to the Dorm and the Brookshire and shower Because I was afraid to walk in because You know you you guys were packing heat And I I was like I I was Terrified and like I I look at you you And ouie and there's just anacondas Everywhere where where where do I go so I I finally did and you know I I I had To show it I had and it's just it's so Emasculating to not mess her up I don't I don't remember being that much of a Difference oh it was a big difference Like if I if I had what you had I'd be I'd walk around naked all the time I'd Throw it in everyone's face I'd say look At this and you know Terry's description Was a Pringles Can he said it was it was a Pringles can So I mean if if I had That I I would be naked all the time and I always say I'm gonna save my money and I'm gonna go to New York $30,000 I'm gonna get the surgery the John Wayne bobbit surgery yeah where They make it bigger I'm gonna get a
Monster I'm gonna get like a 12 incher Can you make it work though when they do That how does that yeah yeah yeah John Wayne bobit I mean he had some Complications but they uh they got it Right and he he had a hog for a while Okay so that was that's kind of my goal Um but we we finished our careers I Thought it was nice that coach etel gave Us all the MVP awards yeah um because we We really put our blood sweat in tears Into that program we did and I you know We were the foundation I really believe We were yeah uh even Rashad Rashad came In with us too okay that's right he Transferred he transferred from Wisconsin yeah yeah remember um and then So I I'm trying to remember like Afterwards I went and played Arena ball I played for the uh Albany team yeah um Did I can't remember if you played right Away or you went later because I know I Went to the dragons workout with you I um I didn't really end up playing I I Went to a couple tryouts and um yes yeah Did the tryouts but yeah for arena but It just wasn't a fit materialized into Anything though yeah yeah and then I Ended up going to NFL Europe so what What did what did you end up doing Career-wise to Start um I didn't I didn't know at I was Doing like a personal training for a While and then oh you were okay did
Personal training and then um Coffey got Pregnant and I moved back to uh Connecticut from New York and then I was Oh you weren't you weren't in Connecticut no so I moved back to New York for a couple years oh okay all Right and Then back and forth between Connecticut And New York was the was the was the Pregnancy like did did did something you Wanted or was it like kind of a surprise It was it was not planned it was a Surprise so you kind of slipped one Through that's good yeah yeah yeah I Guess and so was that was that the boy That's my my so my three sons are kids Are three boys and they're older now how Right how old are they they this year They turned 1917 Christ yeah I'm Blown Away um and now c K is it coffee or Caffe coffee Caffe Okay she said that they all were Tremendous wrestlers man did you get Them into wrestling I just wanted them To play a sport just because I knew how Good sports are yes yes I tried them With football I think they just didn't Like the cold and I think they liked Wrestling because it was indoors but to Me wrestling is is grueling and uh oh It's tough It's toughest thing ever yeah But they they stuck with it and they Became
So you said a 13 a 17 and a 19 year old Yeah 19 17 and 11 this year 191771 okay And I think she said the 11y old may be The best one well he's he's the most Aggressive and I think he's G biggest One and do you actually work with them Do you train them well the Old we work out together and yeah I Understand body positioning from Football right leverage but leverage Right but not to the technical depth of Wrestling so I give him the best of what I can give them right I figure out where If there's ways that we can get like More like better insights and stuff like That so do they do they get any like Personal training or do they just do it On their own the the physical part is Just stuff that we've just worked out Together for years okay and then they They get coached by the team right by Teams or like different people or are They on any club teams is there Club Teams for a club team okay so they do Both um and they have performed well Like yeah have they gone the the the 19 And the 17 did they go to the states at all did They make it that far so my old really He wanted Double L state champion oh my God sh my second son I definitely see That for him too he's he's like more he Like more so I think um you know stay Open and what weight class he's at 165
Right now okay he's a junior so he has One more year but he's very Motivated good good that's awesome does He play anything else he might they Might run track so that's the thing like Because for them just throw throw well They're they're faster than I was when I See them run I'm like oh are you serious Yeah they probably I'm guessing they Kathy can run too yeah so I mean you you Guys were good for breeding I mean you You bred Monsters if I I didn't want to force him But he played football one he went he Started the season football one year and His high school coach was like I think He can lead the state in sax my oldest Son but he hated it he and I was like And he would come home days so I was Like I was like because everyone was Like you sure how long did he how long Did he practice for with the team played Like the first week or two like it Wasn't for him one year JB which was Kind of him just getting a feel for it And then he came back junior year in the Beginning of the year and I think he had A better feel for it he just was not Into it at all was he playing defensive End the end because he didn't have the Like of knowledge but right size Strength and speed that would have been That was the perfect place because you Don't it's not as I guess technical
There's not as many no no no it's not You're you're pass rushing yeah yeah I Get it so he he didn't like it uh but he He did fall in love with wrestling and He won the Double L state championship He he did that's amazing um and then What did he what did he do afterwards Did he did he go to school does he go to School now he's not interested in school At all um good good it's a was yeah I Wasn't trying to force it so he right Now he he helps me with some some stuff Sometimes good that's awesome he's Getting his EMT because he wants to be Do fir fighting good good yeah because College right now with how expensive Tuition is it's I mean unless you're GNA Go to an Ivy League school it's really a Waste I mean if you asked me that like 10 years ago I would have said that's Awful he should be going to college yeah But from what I know now after being a College coach and seeing everything and Like just what a business colleges it's Just ridiculous and now with the nil Stuff oh yeah it's it's just out of Control um So did you did you get married to Cathy yeah for for how many Years we were together for a total of About 11 years I didn't get invited to The wedding so that's disappoint Uh where where we we had a really we we Got married in our living room the only
People okay our parents and our Siblings um how did you propose was it Romantic so it was it's funny because You know afterwards she was like I even That's not even the type of proposal I Would have wanted but so tell you kind Of but basically I was um I was Graduating from the police academy and Yes at the graduation I kind of um you Know proposed was at the graduation for The um Police Academy oh okay I see that And then now she ends up being the first Fir woman firefighter yeah female Firefighter in Norwich I believe yes Okay did she did did she do that a Before or after you guys um separated After oh she did it after okay um just Talk to me a little bit about Marriage is marriage just I mean is it Not what you expect did you live Together before you got married yeah um You did okay and you you had already had Kids right yeah so we okay um we had two Sons and we had already purchased our First house together it was a multi wow And were you doing real estate at the Time I wanted to I wanted to but like Training I had I think I had tried like A few different business ventures and I Think at that point she just had little Faith in my ability to kind of she had Little faith in your ability yeah yeah Well I mean it's it's it's tough I mean That's the one thing laan will tell you
When we do our our show Thursday the Market is just cyc so cyclical that it's It's very difficult to manage and newsy We talk to as well do you talk to newsy Yes we actually we did a talk at at Yukon for with real estate professionals And I got a chance to catch up with M There oh good yeah so we we we did get To catch up um it is I think me Personally especially if you buy well or You buy right it actually can help you To navigate up and down market right if You because if the one of the biggest Variables could be like the interest Rates so if you're yes two to four unit Space you can kind of lock into a Long-term more interest R want correct When you're in the commercial you know They tend to be more that's exactly what Laan said yeah wow wow that this gonna Be great when you talk with them um so Now right now um was it was the test Hard to Pass it It wasn't too if I if you taking it I Would take it as soon after you take the Course as possible because you gotta Take the Course oh you took a course and then you Did the test I think you're required to Take a course um before you can take the Test and I just didn't at Three Rivers Here in nor and so your your marriage Was good for a while and then it just
Kind of went downhill I think you know To be honest me and copy are actually Really good friends now you are that's What she said she said you're great Friends so we have a good a great Relationship we live about good you're Very good co-parenting she said very Good we have a great relationship we're Good we're good friends she actually had Had had me had a over for um for Christmas yeah you get along great it's Funny how marriage screws up everything Yeah when when you're not married you're You're much better off yeah well that's Why I say marriage is a fail than Institution I kind of agree with that But Also personal stuff too where like you Know where I I had a hard Time being navigate being with one woman Essentially well everyone does everyone Does that's not it's human nature it's Human nature yeah you know no guy is Going to be Satisfied for the next 40 years with With one Vagina it's just you know what you're G To get well well I I'll say this I think And this is kind of part of my personal Spiritual journey is that I mean an open Marriage maybe can work but I mean the One the one vagina 40 years I mean I you Know it's that that that that's it That's what you're getting there's no
Surprises yeah you can't Dress It Up it Is what it is it up a little bit put Some yeah but it's the same thing with You I mean the Pringles can it's coming Yeah nothing else you can do this is What you're getting and it's the same Thing over and over and it's very Difficult to to to spice it up it and Make it satisfying for both people it is Right yeah it can be it can be and then Other thing too is like I think that There is um I think we also like Were good friends and we were very like Attracted to each other you were yeah we Had I think we kind of had we have a Foundationally different beliefs and Like what Foundationally like religious I would Say like like she's copy is like pretty Conventional you know and you mean like Conservative or traditional like in just Her thinking like okay she is a very Traditional like thought process whereas I'm I would say I'm probably very Unconventional and and very yes you are Yeah but I am too I'm very Unconventional oh you are you are I'm as Weird as they get you get along that's Why we always gotten along because we Both so just out of curiosity what um What Led oh you have to get going I'm sorry Um I didn't mean to keep you it was just We we having a great conversation oh we
Are I appreciate it I'm glad that we'll Get to talk some more later this week no We will we will listen um no it's good That you you guys are good friends You're raising your kids they're all Doing well um it's great that do that They're doing wrestling I I Lov you I Loved playing with you I loved hanging Out with you we had a ball together we Did we did I I miss you um I'm Definitely coming back to Connecticut Anytime soon I'm gonna I'm going to try To get up and and see you guys yeah Because uh we're actually working now my Our podcast Network we're gonna be Working for the C Club okay and Kevin Freeman um yeah we're gonna try to help Get people did you sign up for the C Club yet I have not yet I'm gonna send You the goddamn link you better sign up I'm gonna sign up we got to get people Signed up um that's part of our job We're going to help raise donations Because we have great content if you Ever look at it um coach schuman's Sports and entertainment YouTube channel That's what all my content's on and I Put it on my Facebook as well and Linkedin but his YouTube channel has 1.2 Million Subscribers and he gets 70 million views Per month wow and like this show is Great because we're talking about Pringles cans and locker rooms and all
That I'm going to do a bunch of reels Those are going to be hilarious yeah I'm Going to put reels up and and our show's Going to be great but uh so are you're You're going to a meeting to sell a House or buy a house or actually to buy One I'm looking at one a young kid well Listen um I have a tax guy for you yeah That I want you to talk to um ryell is Amazing I gotta talk to ro it's a big he He will save you like he saved people Thousands of dollars and he's gotten People returns so with your Investment Group you're in LLC yeah he he could get You a return so is it all right if I Have him call you yeah hell yeah okay All right well I I will do that and then Uh I will talk with you we're gonna talk With laen Tuesday we're GNA do a little More real estate but razul this was a Ball man I had was a fun show it was I It's very tough to make a black man Blush but I got you to blush a few a few Times I let you blush a few times my Seat a little bit but no listen I I am I Am very happy for you I'm proud of you I'm happy for your for your kids and Your family and I'm happy you're doing So well I really am you deserve it You've worked hard so um I will say for RO aul Wallace former Yukon linebacker And now Real Estate Mogul part of the Husky Investment Group we also have our Two sponsors Dynamic Human Performance
Owned by Andre Dixon you will hear from Them we will have Julius trench trenches Of the trench mob there in Georgia you Will hear from Them and then we're going to have Pete Finch in the finch law firm in a pinch Call Finch you're going to hear from Pete and now I will say again for razul I'm Steve Cully the best podcast H in The universe remember when life gives You lemons don't make lemonade take two Oranges and throw them back at life