One of the Top QBs in 2027 Class, Zach Micelli QB Old Tappan High School, NJ
Highlights with my analysis and commentary. He is a big time Zach Micelli QB for Old Tappan HS, NJ who is State Group 3 Champs 6-1 180 2027. One of the top QB’s in his class in America. Just watch the highlights.
☑️ Big Arm
☑️ Athlete
☑️ Accuracy
☑️ Size
☑️ Instincts
☑️ Playmaker
☑️ High Intellect
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[Music] This is Zach Meli 2027 quarterback of Old Jaan look at that big throw down the Silent he's got a huge arm tremendous Accuracy phenomenal Runner here he is Moving on the Run throws the ball over The top uh Ulta pan was state champs This past year in all groups I mean in Group three um and they're going to be One of the best teams going forward with Him at the helm uh for many years to Come for at least the next couple years Look at that long throw there his Ability to move in the pocket to get Loose um his ability to run and finish Runs he's got great Speed this is just a sophomore Quarterback I mean his ability to go Down the field with tremendous amount of Accuracy um state championship game uh Group Championship he made some throws That were just unbelievable throws he Knows when to throw behind the receiver For back shoulder throw he knows where To place it high high for a receiver so You'll get it he knows how to throw Across his body on the Run that's a big Time throw right there um Zach Zach Really has tremendous capabilities he's Got uh excellent pedigree father played Uh division Toledo and he is just a Quarterback that look at the touch on That throw there after getting escaping From the pocket here he's rolling to his
Right on a play fake directs his Receiver throws the ball over the top I Mean it's highlight after highlight After highlight this is just as a Sophomore this is on a deep Crossing Route um he he drills that in there here He's again getting on the loose going to His left throwing against his body Drilling it right there in receiver's Chest here it is an out route in Oneon-one um manto man uh coverage for The touchdown in state championship then This another deep cross across field I Hear he's escaping to his left and then Running directly traffic he has great Escapability excellent speed and Athleticism at 61 uh 180 lbs he's only Going to be continue to grow there he is Again throwing the ball only where the Receiver can get it uh he can throw the Long ball down the field here he is Again throws a great jump ball there for His receiver um his touch and his Ability to get the ball to his Target on Time his timing is tremendous he seems To be able to throw every type of throw There's a nice long deep post over the Top um and I just love the touch he has With the phenomenal velocity look at That that fade ball on the Sidelines um and I you know I reworked Uh some of these clips because I wanted You to see each typ of throw here it is On on two verticles over to the left um
Right down the shoot right on time and Here's a big run gets into the open um He has the ability to change direction He's a physical Runner only going to get Bigger and stronger here's another run Um I think his escapability is Definitely an underrated skill of his Cuz he really has great feet his feet Move real quick in the pocket so he he's Able to gain ground very quickly um he Throws very well on the Move there's Another example of throwing on the move Here in touch in Traic uh perfect dot right There oh stick [Music] Route and then here he's climbing the Pocket and then taking off so he keeps His eyes down the field which is a huge Thing that's why he completes so many Passes on the move cuz his eyes stay Down the field when he's moving within The pocket here he is on a quick quick Slant uh does a great job on those those Little just hold and throw plays here's Climbing to pocket again finds a Receiver to his left gets it to them Where they can run there's another one Stop route gets it to the Receiver in traffic be in front of the Safety great throw there's another one He throws it right in between all the Defenders time and time again there's Another one throws it up high purposely
So he gets it to his receiver only place He can get it climbing the pocket here Down the field in Traffic mother on a post keeps his eyes Down the field keeps his feet moving Again throws it up high for his receiver So only can get it this is Big Time Quarterback right here 2027 and I have clip after clip after Clip after clip I he he is running for a Touchdown of a guy who's a 2027 just a Sophomore Quarterback making these kind of throws It's it's pretty incredible uh the Things that he's able to do here's Another one on it Out here we go again uh little slant Stop here again in traffic there's three Defenders around the receiver he gets it In there another good throw the end zone For a touchdown here he is running a Direct run power He runs hard he's got Good Feet quick Feet that's it enables him to get a lot Of Ground looks off the receiver didn't Like goes Downfield another touch Dr here he's running in for Touchdown driving throw on a Curl another run this is a dual threat Quarterback I me he's only he can get Better as a runner too so he's got Really quick feet here he is rolling to
His left another dime on an Out and finally one more final throw Going to his left on an out unbelievable Zach my [Music]