
Frank Cristiano, THE VOICE OF REASON, the Coach Davd Schuman and I talk sports, recapping news of the week while offering up analysis. Plus SuperBOWL Predeictions Hello and welcome to 97.9 Unity radio the best Sports Talk Show in the…

Frank Cristiano, THE VOICE OF REASON, the Coach Davd Schuman and I talk sports, recapping news of the week while offering up analysis. Plus SuperBOWL Predeictions

Hello and welcome to 97.9 Unity radio the best Sports Talk Show in the entire world I would say you Know we Have Worcester Uica Boston Connecticut New England Hartford I guess I can name it all it's like the Whole world it doesn't really matter Right it just when you're when you're so Good and you're so in Demand that you can say you're the best Of the best we're in demand we are we we Are hotly in demand hotly in demand yes Hot in demand thousands upon thousands Of viewers fantastic listeners you're You're a hero if we went to Worcester Yeah that that's the word I would use For me is hero if we went to Worcester And did an autograph signing yeah the Lines would be out the door immense Probably immense the lines would be out The door I could imagine yeah I I'm just Letting you know the your pop your your Popularity is is gone like to the The Beatles strategy to The Beatles really Well yeah I mean that's the that's That's your era that's my era what are You talking about it's more The Beatles All right well well I'm an 80s guy you Like uh uh what's his face Purple Rain That's an 80s guy that's that's prince Prince is the guy Prince well you got Prince popularity yeah yeah that's right

He transcended everything yes he was a Pop culture icon and that's why and That's why you loved him you dreamed of Being Prince one day I I I would gladly Uh be Prince for a day So the big news of the week which I was Completely unaware of and I know you're A big follower of the NBA yes was a Trade made between the Los Angeles Lakers and Dallas Mavericks that had as Fans And NBA Executives coaches kind of in a Bit of an uproar they uh they think that The the Lakers fleeced the Mavericks Pulled one over on them with what they Got with um Luca there and you know Giving up Anthony Davis he's a little Bit Older um he's now the number one scorer For the Lakers LeBron's kind of taking a Backseat but Luca with what he average Last year he he was right at a triple Double averaging 34 points a game the Biggest complaints were his his training Apparently um conditioning and when You're putting up numbers like that I Don't know how you could how you could Suggest he's not in condition or not Working hard but that seemed to always Be an issue from what I read in Dallas At some points in the seasons he he he Hits around 270 in weight well they said A lot of weight they said 260 260 270 He's 67 though shoot isn't he in in in a

In a a conditioning game like basketball Is okay you got to take think think of The factor this way of the four major Sports football is a sixc play and You're back in the Huddle right yeah bet Baset is 40 basb baseball is is not a Conditioning game I don't care anybody Says well Babe Ruth ate hot dogs that's Right uh um hockey you are you're you're Skating your ass off but it's only about A 30 second to 40 second Shift well that's not always and they Don't change lines that fast they change Lines that fast they change lines like After five minutes no five minutes five Minutes those guys would be dead on Their you're telling me in hockey if I Go watch the the the Comets or yeah we Go to the Worcester game sure the the Railroads I can't remember the name rail Riders whatever they were Called that they change shifts every Every some coaches theories that they'll Change every 30 seconds uh they they'll Change change they'll change yeah any Any any any of those pro teams college Teams high school teams they'll change On the 30 42 Mark uh maybe the Defenders Change after 40 a little longer 45 if You go longer than 45 to a minute that's A lot in a shift wow that's a lot in a Shift okay and that's why there's 25 Guys on the B there's 25 hockey players Only five are on the ice well six

Counting the goalie right only five are On the ice you know skating around at One time yeah so the lines go the lines Usually go three deep and if not if not I know that they're constantly changing Up lines keep guys fresh Conant and then It was 30 seconds sure sure five minutes Shot those guys would be dead five Minutes well they only play three halves Yeah they play less time they're skating They're they're doing an immense amount Of burning yes skating that fast back And forth okay and it takes out a lot of Energy takes a lot of CO2 I didn't know You were so defensive of hockey yes my My point again going back to it is Basketball is the most cardio in shaped Sport besides soccer I would say well That's all and they and they play it the Most too right right and those yeah and They're up and down you're up and down You're up and down you're asked to you Know go hard And come up with creative moves on Offense and then you're asked to get Somebody and play defense and I think Those are the two the the two things That burn the the Maverick's general Manager is seeing uh the amount of time He's either injured or the amount of Time he's out of shape and also seeing The lack of defense that Luca plays Luca Luca is a Civ a Civ yeah oh yeah that's how you

Would de you would Define him as a Civ Everything runs through him okay he he's Not a Defender he's not a Defender he Can play a little defense when he want SC 34 points the game yeah why why do You have to be because on the other end You're giving up 40 points a game oh so You're GNA you know what I mean you're Down minus seven six they they made the NBA finals last they did make the NBA Finals totally uh and on the back of him On the back of him on the back of Kyrie Irving although iring didn't have a Great finals uh on the back of some some Decent team chemistry I mean I know Listen they only won one game the Lakers The Lakers in the long run should should Be successful in this trade because Luca Is only 25 guy's a franchise player for At least another 10 12 years right okay So uh the Lakers have their next guy When braon retires here here's the next Guy okay perfect Dallas feels that they Can win now right this this they're both In the Western Conference so that's okay They feel with Anthony Davis they can Beat anyone in the Western Conference They they and you got to realize Something Davis is not going to play Center he's not going to play the five He's going to play the four right so He's going to be more a lot more Involved in scoring it's going to help Him out more whereas right right whereas

You know he has two there are two Centers in Dallas that are really pretty Good yeah so uh defensively especially So now Anthony Davis is freed up to be a Little more aggressive on the boards to Be a little more aggressive in in Running and getting out uh you know he's Not the only guy to be counted on to Play defense and to to protect the rim Like he was in in in Los Angeles so I I Think it's a it's a win-win for both Sides they did they did you think it's a Win-win for both sides yeah because You're you're here to win now okay You're here to win now you so if Dallas Wins the championship now that makes the Trade that's worth it you're there to Win championships I mean okay so the if If Los Angeles doesn't win another Championship in 11 years with Luca and So let's say Luca stays there 11 more Years is it worth it yeah mean so you Got to win now it's a business more than I But you you have to win now if you have The components because teams don't stay Together that long they don't anymore Right I mean I mean you know the days of Like even Golden State those guys Staying together for for a five or six Year run you know so that that doesn't Happen anymore well now they have the Luxury tax plus a hard salary cap which I didn't know right that apparently

Started right so you you can pay the Luxury tax you pay the luxury tax so you Can you can spend whatever you want to Spend the spend whatever you want to Sure you can no why can't you tell me Why they they instituted a hard salary Cap past a certain point luxury tax oh Pass a certain point of luxury tax that I did not know I thought there was a Salary cap and then there's a luxury tax Yeah there there there was and then they Instituted a hard salary cap for people Who could kept continually going Spending over the salary cap yeah I mean It gets to a certain point stop it That's why they had to involve the other Teams that they did okay I could see That I didn't know that I thought I Thought it was just a salary cap and Then no you're you pay the luxury tax as Far as you want to go that's why they Had to involve um Utah was one of them In the trade there right y yeah exactly Because they needed to unload they Unloaded uh their draft pick from just a Couple years ago right uh in part of the Deal that was to free up enough money I Guess right to under the cap they're Still in the luxury text but they're Under the hard cap which I I think is a Great idea that they've gone that way I Think Sports I would agree with that I Would agree with that I mean you got at Some point you got to stop it or else

It's just the teams with de pockets are Just going to winning all the time it's Why I think the NFL's been so great is Because of the salary cap it has a Minimum that you have to spend yeah and Then a maximum year hard you can't go Over it I don't like that the salaries Aren't guaranteed in the NFL they're Becoming more and more guaranteed but Not across the board well realistically It's Impossible you could never meet your Camp no because you you you'd never be Able to do training camp why because how Many guys come to training camp 90 they They cut from 90 down to 53 sure so if Every contract was guaranteed yeah Though those players that get cut out of The 90 which are mostly bodies yeah Would would be guaranteed a a full year Salary well no there should be there Should be a camp Contract and then if you make the team There's the year contract there there is There is there is they all get paid the Same during so I mean a camp contract What do they got to give you if you're Not a if you're not a draft pick and You're coming in as a free agent they Don't give you nothing they they well They give you the NFL base the one-ear Base exra still usually a foure base it Should be separate though it be a salary For when you practice or when you try

Out right if you don't make the team You're cut and you just get that salary For that long right and that's that's What happens 100 grand 50 Grand whatever It doesn't have to be the lead minimum For the whole year it's a, bucks a week Everyone makes that in training camp a, Bucks a week then after if you don't Make the team that's it make team then You're going to get right so there why Can't they guarantee everyone's contract Well that that if you consider that Guaranteed yeah then yeah that's Guaranteed but every rookie who comes Out yeah s signs a rookie three to four Year Min deal sure and it's not Guaranteed that should be guaranteed so You want them to if they get injured and They're done for their careers they Should get something out of it no well I I understand that situation listen when You get a pension the training camp Bodies let's say you're a police officer You're first or second year on the job And you get shot in the league you can't Perform anymore and now you're gone from The force still got to cover you with Pension well a lot of these guys get Insurance they get insurance to cover That for them they buy their own Insurance yeah they buy their Willis M He did yeah Willis MC he did a lot do He's smart but but I mean let's say You're you're a young kid and you just

You got no money to pay Andrew Luck had To retire early from concussions right There's nothing to guarantee it I just Think stuff should be guaranteed across The board once you make a team and they Sign you for x amount of years once you Make a team the contract is guar is is The NBA guaranteed yes right yes Major League Baseball yes okay yes hockey I Don't know but you're talking a lot less Players and you're talking guys can get Sent down to the miners yeah but you're Probably talking uh a bigger Budget a baseball a baseball team salary Cap a baseball team salary cap is higher Than the they pay they pay more yes Baseball pays the most they've got you Know 30 40 50 million and NFL does too But they've got baseball has a lot Baseball pays most right so I mean I Don't baseball in the NBA and to me the Injury rate in baseball or the Catastroph catastrophic injury rate in Baseball or in basketball or in hockey Hockey maybe is not as great as in the NFL no the NFL by far right so bottom Line you know those guys those are the Guys that deserve the full contracts I I Agree I agree um and that's why more and More people had been getting guaranteed Money more guaranteed money but there Was only one person who has a fully Guaranteed contract who's that Deshawn Watson deshaan Watson and that pissed

Off everyone genius the guy's a genius He's not gonna be back this year either Every owner was Furious that Cleveland Did that they gave him the first fully Guaranteed NFL contract how how awful is That I mean how what what garbage it's Amazing what garbage is that it's Amazing I mean I am so proud that he was Able to get that done first off Everything that he had going on with his Life his agent should be that guy's a Genius well yeah his agent negotiated it Genius andus I partially blame Houston Because Houston had him you forget this On the roster a full Year and they paid him $14 million which Was his salary at the time unbelievable And he was part of the 53 man roster Unbelievable was inactive right and they Just kept it that way so they could Trade and get assets for him after the Season now it turned it paid off it paid Off that they did it that way but they Basically kept he got $4 Million they didn't want him at practice I I don't think he came to meetings I Don't think he came to the facility Other than yeah he he did nothing that's Just awful it is it is but that's that's What they did and then they made the Deal after after the year Now most teams if they have a conscience Yeah and are respectable would have Probably released Mr Watson you think

After some of the allegations came out Think you think and they didn't do that Because they wanted what you know the Dreaded Roi the return on invest well There's no return on that sucker no no There's there there there's no return on That the investment was huge but there's No return well I mean Cleveland ended up It will probably go down as the worst Trade all time go to be I mean it's Worse than the hersel Walker tra it's Got to be oh it's got to be it's worse Than the Saints trading every draft Yicky Williams gave six draft picks Ricky Williams Oh my God I wonder if that Would work today if I went to the Chiefs And I said I'm gonna give you all seven Of my draft picks right for Patrick Mahomes are you taking it no they Wouldn't take it they wouldn't they Wouldn't take it no okay I just thought It funny because because think of it Right now granted it's seven rounds in One year you're giving up there the odds Of you finding anyone to even get Remotely close to what Mahomes does and Means the team you can't find it no but I mean Ricky Williams was running back And want did get wanted them and going Back to this Lakers trade that's what The Lakers did they they they have their Future now for the next 10 11 years LeBron's got maybe a couple years left

He says he wants to play a little more Well and they didn't give up that much No I mean they gave up a couple second Round picks yeah they gave up uh 2024 First round pick Dalton Knight no they Didn't up don't don't don't night no What oh I'm sorry they up the Lakers Gave up Anthony Davis they give up Max Christie oh they and a 20 2029 first Round pick they the the guy they gave up Was the 2023 number one their first Round draft pick who's that the the Lakers and the lak pick in the Lakers Trade the Lakers trade yeah well the Lakers give up Anthony Davis Max Christie and a 2029 first round pick Yeah wasn't Max Christie the 2023 first Round pick oh possibly I don't know what Year he got picked all that right but And Christie's not bad Chris is not bad They got another guy to get ination the Back court they said it was huge that They were able to keep him right and and You know the Lakers got a couple Throwaways they got uh you know Maxi Kleber Maxi Cleber is a a nice little Complimentary player uh he he's he's Pretty good from three-point land uh I Like him you know's he's efficient uh But he's not high he's not a high flyer High scorer Marie Morris Marie Morris Has been passed around the last three Years in this league I think he's been Involved in four or five trades in three

Years now yeah so you know he's he's He's a throwing it said yeah it says That the one of The Losers of the trade Is Max Christie um he started and scored 15 Points when the Lakers beat the Knicks And then they they basically said um They gave Houston time I'm sorry Utah Time to make a trade with the Clippers To have room to add him they said get This done by the end of the game because We don't want him flying back to Los Angeles with us right only to fly back Uh we want to get him right to to to you Guys right so it it's amazing how they They did it they did it in secrecy They're saying he's losing this thing But he's going to Dallas which is a Fairly good team this isn't like he got Traded to the scrap Heap no this is a Team looking to compete for the NBA Championship no that's exactly I think In the short term I think it's a great Move for Dallas in the long term you Know this sets up uh La for uh a lot of Good PR a lot you know listen if Luca Can be a star in Dallas he can Definitely be a star in la oh I I know For sure so yeah right he can and he can Expand he's going to listen he's going To expand his wealth tfold because I Mean think of the advertisement Poss Abilities that are there in Los Angeles So that's a good move all around it's

Exciting there was another trade too um It was a fox from Sacramento got traded It was three-way trade and I think uh Zack LaVine went to Sacramento right uh dearn fox went to Where uh why am I why am I oh I'm just Drawing such a blank right now where Dearen fox went I just saw this so I got To I got to see what this is well the The trade deadline is coming up right And that's why everyone to San Antonio That's where it was so he so dear and Fox ended up going to San Antonio so now You know think of that lineup wow that San Antonio is building you know whether It's a year away two years away or even You know possibly they make a run a Little bit of a run right Now um you know you got tan Fox on San Antonio with uh Uh what the hell his name is Center I Can't remember his damn name oh my God I'm I'm losing it today with basketball Um was a kid kid from France so the I Mean so the Mavericks got Davis Christie And the 2029 Yeah why why would they take a a first Round pick that far out they always do They always offer a year two Bama who I'm thinking of uh so now you got you Know Victor wanyama and and Darren Fox Together and you know they're joining a Pretty good pretty good squad right now

They're not solid they don't but but now Fox gives them some immediate scoring Help who are the the two guys that the Lakers got Maxie clber Max cber Cleber Y And marof mor we just talked about that Mar Morris are they just C they're backups but cber would come Off the bench he would start a little Bit but come off the bench for Dallas uh Taller guy defensively not bad and he's Got decent movement not great uh more of A forward or he's more of a forward he's Not a true Center uh but he's a he's a Decent three-point shooter uh coming off The bench for for Dallas uh Marie Morris Is a throw I told you the last three Years that guy's been rotated around Probably in four or five trades in the NBA right so he's he's been a throwing At a bunch of them right but I mean like People are like this is Major Fallout This is collusion like this is Corruption everyone like they're they're Protesting in Dallas like they think This is was an awful awful decision by Their general manager it was done in Secret it's like trading Aaron judge I Mean if you're a Yankees fan and all a Sudden someone trades Aaron judge I mean You know that that's he's the heart and Soul of the team you know I I I I don't I don't both sides I don't disagree with The trade you don't disagree you think It was a fair a Fair Trade Fair because

Listen the GM does not like Luca donic No he does not he does not like him and Mark Cuban has no control of the team is A minority owner he's a minority owner Now right why did he do that by the way She's trying to filter everything out And now he wants to spend a little more Family time so he said he wanted to pull Back at what he does okay but Bott Bottom line he couldn't protect it the GM didn't like Luca's play well Luka LCA Luca was at such a star level in Dallas That he would he could walk in late do Whatever he wants doesn't have to work Out yeah doesn't meet criteria right Yeah so best thing to do Quietly pinka and him picked up a Telephone they talked for a little bit They met actually two weeks ago I know I It's secret had had a little had a Little dinner together and probably That's where the interest sparked up From there and they picked up a couple Phone calls threw in a third trade party And made it happen yeah I mean it's Amazing how they made it happen with uh The three teams right yeah so it's but Listen the Sacramento trade is the one That intrigues me okay why why more than More so than that because it changes the Landscape a little bit in the west so Now Sacramento what Sacramento has done Is n Fox is a good player really good Player they've traded away probably

Their best player Damas sabonis is Probably up there too as their one or Onea I mean he's I can't tell you how Many uh I think I many double doubles he Has during the year but it's he's he's An unbelievable player around the hoop But now they've added two former Chicago Bll players and paired them together so Now Zack LaVine yeah and Demar de rozan Who were both on Chicago over the last Couple years then and they've been there Longer but one by one they've left Chicago in trades right now they're with Sacramento so you're talking so now You' Got you got LaVine demard de Rosen and Together yeah that are that are you know You're talking you got three highlevel Players scorers uh guys that can do Something with the basketball right Sacramento turns into an interesting Team for me San Antonio turns into an Interesting team what are they what are The standings right now you know you I Don't know I've got to look let me look I know the Lakers were fourth right so That's what I was I was surprised that Um and I didn't know that Anthony Davis Had turned into their number one right Uh their number one scor so you're Looking let's see we're talking about The west and why doesn't this give me The West this Blockbuster could create More trades wow Western Conference so Oklahoma City's in first yep 38-9 right

So now the Lakers are in fifth at 28 And9 oh okay they fourth but yeah the Mavericks are n 26 and 24 just outside Right now you're looking at the Kings And the Spurs kings are 500 24 and 24 And the Spurs are 21 and 25 so I see What you're saying about changing the Right I mean I think the that bottom end Trade that we're talking about Sacramento San Antonio pop that may end Up allowing them to catch one of those Two whether it be the Mavericks or the Lakers oh so now now they'll jump into Playoff position right you know so I Think I I think it's it's I think it's Interesting right now I want to see what The chemistry is uh bringing over Fox of San Antonio uh with Chris Paul uh and Then also I want to see what the the Chemistry is in Sacramento with now two B two former Bulls and damus sabonis who's really Turned into an outstanding I mean he I Saw him play I saw him play in a game When he was with Indiana uh earlier on His career and uh and he's just he's Just really good he's just really good Then now I mean he's he's had another Level right now he's he's definitely NBA Allstar uh he's definitely I would say Uh a top five or six big man in the NBA um what are your thoughts I keep Hearing about this Jimmy Butler Character that he's gonna be character

He's gonna be traded do you see that Happening Pat Riley is a tough SOB I Don't know if Pat's going to dump him or Not they've suspended him they sus did Suspend him they suspended him because He didn't show up to practice he just Just didn't show up to practice so now W I think he suspended indefinitely I Think Pat riy will just write it out and Let him not play the whole year I is Jimmy Butler a top Echelon upper Eon Player Jimmy Butler is a guy who great Talent um great I mean he's he's a very Good player but regular season he's sort Of a little bit above average slacks in Some games and then all a sudden he Turns up for a couple games but but come Playoff time he he's a superstar Jimmy Jimmy it's playoff playoff Jimmy yeah so He knows so he knows to turn it on know Right but that right there that right There just shows you that it's about Jimmy well it's not about the team no I Disagree with you the NBA instituted a Rule yeah what's the r that you have to Play your starters yeah your best Players on the No you can play your guys on the road Jimmy can play no but I'm saying Jimmy Doesn't have to play hard they would try To give him rest time right but that's Different make up injuries that's Different I'm talking when the Mind Checks out of a game oh you think he

Just does them they have him in and he I Think he doesn't give a shasy he doesn't Give a [ __ ] he plays the regular season He plays If he if he's on he's on cool We're gonna look good if he's off he Just Blends in with all the other Average Guys just an average J when the playoffs Are on Jimmy turns it on you know what I Mean Pat Riley does not like that we Used to have a guy he's good friend of Mine I I love the dude I I played in College with him his bla Blain his name Is Blain I'm not gonna say his last name His name is Blain why I I didn't like Practice either no no well that's just It we used to call him game day Blain Yeah you Turn on on Monday would be walkthroughs On Tuesday he'd be injured he'd be on Red Cross he' he'd be right in the bike Yeah yeah on on Wednesday he's on Green Cross he's almost ready to go Thursday It's a walk through he's ready Friday He's and Saturday's game day what Position is he he was a d tackle yeah I Mean they take a beating and back then You guys practice so hard so Joe linman I I rarely missed a practice no no I'd Get shot if I missed a practice so yeah But that's but but in the NBA when if Someone was paying me 30 million a year 40 million I gotta go I gotta play you Know I'm I'm I'm I'm obligated do you do

You think that Um Luca coming from Europe yeah yeah Made a difference because apparently his Father was also very annoyed and angry That he got traded to the lak well Everyone's annoyed and angry because no One was advised on the trade well they Did they did in secret yes right the ESPN analysts are pissed yes they get Any get he and rap port's pissed usually He's got some kind of scoop even if it's NFL NBA whatever well they said that's What has prevented Trad that Craig wior Or whatever his name is there the NBA Guy for ESPN he's pissed he didn't get Nobody had any information on this that Is why people are pissed so you think That's why the more open you are with Something the more opinions come out and The more everybody wants to get their Edge in so so if uh if Luca's dad knew About the trade he' like no I don't know If I want my son going to La uh we're Gonna we don't want to do that we're We're GNA if we're we're going to look Up the contract maybe we can pass on That my son would rather play in uh you Know uh Boston or whatever I'm just Throwing did you did you think that he Would have been traded regardless at Some point no no he loved Dallas they Said that he was everything yeah Everything was well now on the other Hand does Dallas want to commit to

Giving him $340 million that's what you Said on a on a super max I mean he's Gonna be a free agent when he's 27 I Believe right I mean listen these NBA Guys are getting close to $70 million a Year that's the next that's the next cap Level they're in the they're in the 50s Right now in 60 they're getting close to 70 wow that's a lot of money that is a Lot of money that's that's that's that's Close to I mean the NBA so the NBA and MLB they have the greatest unions must Be the topest top paying Sports they Have the NBA Players Association owns 50 51% of the of the of the league so they Gave they're actually a majority owner Of the league wow so you know and gr the The owners have a say and they have a Strong say they want to work together All the time well the owners have Stopped bad trades because they thought They were unfair yeah because I guess The owners have to approve certain Trades yes yes yes so I I get that part But that I know that they have stopped Trades which is crazy that would be the Commissioner stopping it oh it's a Commissioner that stop right there There's the own complain for the best Interest or whatever or is there some Kind of off reason besides just trading Talent for talent there's always some Kind of a reason for that but I don't You know hey nothing got stopped here no

They were all got stopped Full Speed Ahead no and I think you're right Everyone was angry because nobody knew They kept it secret nobody and they said They've had problems in the past where Someone someone's agents asked about it And he says no or the player says no They just this was just done right and Nobody had a say and it should be that Way yeah it should nobody should had a Say if there's some kind of restriction In the contract then yes if the guy has A no trade clause or he's got a a Preferential treatment clause and you Signed it and then the ink is dry well That's a different story or a massage Clause there's a lot of those coming up Now Justin Tucker boys he's catching Heat oh we'll get to that uh so NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell he's been Taking some heat lately for the Kansas City Chiefs for sleeping with uh Patrick Mahomes and and Travis Kelsey Taylor Taylor swi with all of them he's with All them they were all in the bed Together that's what the meme was right Oh well I mean they won a record 17 one score games in a row they've had Um they think that they're getting Preferential treatment from the refs and Like I have always said I think Roger Goodell got on the bat phone and said I I don't want the Buffalo the Buffalo Bills are not playing in my Super Bowl I

I I'm still far away from that Conspiracy theory I can't I can't buy Into it there's nothing I don't the Problem is this is that the offici Officiating has to change So they have to go to more of like what Tennis does right you need the spot it's Fourth and one you need the spot well You know what they're going to bring out That white line that computer diagram Line you want the AI where's where's the Where's the tip of the ball landed and That's where we're going to mark it not When one guy comes out with his foot Here and the other guy comes the other Side of the field and he's six inches Back I mean you can't have that when There's that kind of money on the line On these games right so I think that Needs to change I think more of um and They said they're going to try to do That yeah I think they need to and I Think they've got to be a little bit More there's got to be some objectivity In in in penalty calls well yeah it's Got to be consistent I think it's never Consistent it's never consistent because You got too many guys calling penalties I mean there's six on the field so Bottom line I just think that they need To there's got to be they've got to Clean up the rule book you know contact After five yards or no contact after the First five year whatever you call

Penalty pass interference I mean if you You know two guys are knocking a little Bit then somebody gets bumped off a Little bit they can't you can't call Those things you got there's got to be It has to be obvious right you know it Has to be OB just like they could call Holding every play if they want call They could every play there is holding Right so so bottom line they've got to Come up with some kind of a a clean System to at least get I mean think About it now with uh the Run pass Options the rpos well they changed the Rules they're giving them two yards They're giving them two yards downfield Well they used to get they used to They were they were they were open Receivers they look like they were Running routes no I know they did so I Mean it blew my mind but maybe the NFL Has to Outlaw Rpos you can't Outlaw rpos why not it's A if if they're within the rules if They're not going if the linan aren Going downfield then the rule should be The lineman can't go down if if Downfield is after the line of scrimmage It's after the line of scrimmage so You're saying two yards downfield is too Much yeah I'm saying one yard's too much Okay I'm limited zero now those sideline Officials that are looking at the line Of scrimmage all they got to do is look

At body position anybody's over the line Of scrimmage throw the flag they throw The flag it's either going to be a run Play or a pass play but it's not going Be it can be a play action play right Right because we can play action we can Fire out into the line of scrimmage and Hold then retreat but you can't these Rpos are killing it these guys are well You they're very tough to defend yeah They're they're they're they're almost Impossible to defend sometimes but They're almost impossible for the Referees to get the right call right oh The guy was down was it two yards or was It four yards was it three yards so They're not going to throw line judge to Watch it yeah no that's that that that That was one of the I mean things that Was very upsetting last year was the Rpos and they tried to C curtail it with The new rule right um the other thing That was Interested in light of President Donald Trump's executive order to roll back Dei Policies yeah NFL commissioner Roger Faced multiple questions Monday on the League's intentions for Equitable hiring Right uh there were a record number of Uh minority coaches last season right That has significantly dwindled after uh Gerard Mayo you know he got fired Pierce Got fired Salah got fired so now you Know they're saying that again they're

Going back to retreads the good old boy Network work and not enough is being Done in the NFL which is made primarily of African-American players to get them to The next level as far as coaches as far As Executives well is affirmative action Tied into Dei Um I don't think so I I think I don't Know in that law I don't know I don't Believe so I know just the Rooney Rule You got to interview two head coaches Right but it doesn't say like you have To have one black person on your staff Affirmative action basically was it did Take care of that problem I mean you had You had you had to so now you had to Diversify if that got eliminated with Dei you know that's a little bit of a Problem I mean you gotta well Dei was More forced on people correct on Companies and colleges right and and Then the the the the letter of the law In Dei was never fin finite no so in Other words it kept expanding now this This group comes in and this group comes In and now we have created groups that Come in so that's where I think Dei blew Up and Dei was abused de was abused of Course it was right just like you know Black lives matter was abused it served A purpose it had a relative it had a Relative place and a relative time well

It takes on a mind of its own a while Well yeah when when when the people you Expect that are leading the the the Group are filtering millions of dollars Yeah then it's well they they yeah and They loot too and they they they break Things burn things that that's where it Got got Beyond so I think that's where Di just exploded too much went beyond The focus of De the original thought of Dei right um and and they're paying I Mean colleges were paying hundreds of Thousands of dollars to Dei oh yeah People yeah absolutely you're in charge Of Dei at at Hudson University right do You know you know that 93% Of uh Pentagon employees didn't show up To work I did not yes 93% 93% of basically Workers yeah federal workers they just Did not show up to work today over the Last several years over the last Probably since probably since his last Administration well who polices that Right no one would yeah right just Probably just like right now in these Budgets where you know all this money is Being sent out to all these different uh I know that groups and and and Charities And and and causes the nonprofit and Nothing is checked the guy at the Treasure just like he's like like an Automatic Stamper just I said we should

Open a nonprofit organization yeah right I know and we'll get a lot of money yes Because they they give it to you if you Open a nonprofit well you gotta you Gotta bring in money for the nonprofit But basically you you could name your Own salary nonprofit right yep and they Can't do anything about it this this This show is basically a nonprofit uh For us Right Mak any money on this Ernie Station is nonprofit right we're not Making any money we're making Millions and millions yeah Millions upon Millions where have these dblo been H Been hiding they're they're they're Fruits of our labor well the fruit is Rotten I haven't haven't I haven't seen A Hider hair of millions it is it is It's Millions upon Millions Unbel um yeah so what did you think About the incentivizing it the NFL If you hired like a a GM or If you Hired a certain amount coaches well no You got draft picks for it no you can't You can't do that cuz now you're not Hiring on Merit because it now now they You're not hiring on Merit well the Patriots interviewed Byron lewit who's Been out of coaching for two years yeah And so their thought process was how Serious was he being considered for that Job or was he just filling a quot by Interviewing how many how many other

Guys are ready for that job there's a There's a ton of of assistant coaches African Aman minority coaches and all That well we talked about Eric the enemy Right right but there but see I don't Think that I don't think that's a a a Color issue I don't think it's a race Issue Eric bemy something is wrong with Eric B enemy I think either he doesn't Interview well or he has maybe some Arrogance to him or some anger issues to Him or maybe the players don't relate he Wasn't he wasn't well-liked with Your commander redkin right right right So I mean maybe he's not a players coach Ah okay so now why would you want to Hire a guy like that right right you Know what I mean no I get that and There's there's been African-American Coaches in the league throughout the Years I mean more more and more is a you Know is a late there there are but I'm Saying that this past year well they had The most it's a down year and now they They completely dropped off it's a down Year it's a down year in the stock Market down year and there's not a lot Of I think they Des exes I think they Deserve anyone any that has the resume Is deserving of interviews right anyone That has a resume that that that a General manager and an owner would want To hear or see deserves an Interview um the other news during Roger

Goodell's little conference was the 18 Game schedule they want to go to 18 Games they got to stop I I I just think That's that's that's too much they got To stop they've got to stop the insan Stop the insanity that should be the the NFL PA well they they want more money The owners like you said they everyone I And I don't understand these Billionaires they just keep wanting more Money you want more money sell more Tickets you want sell more boxes sell More advertisements sell more food don't Don't price a slice of pizza at $10 Right you want more money if you get Revenue out of the stadium you know what I mean don't don't charge s for parking 100 for parking that's what it turns Into again you know what in that Situation it probably doesn't matter Because everyone's coming to the game They're going to pay for parking yeah But when you roll up tickets that are x Amount of dollars add in the parking add In the food add in the transportation For a family a four to get there it's Costing thousands of dollars for one Game oh it is you have to mortgage your House who wants to do that after a while And and and the owners get a television Contract oh they get money from a t how Much it's billions of dollars how much Do they need to make And my my thing is you're doing it on

The backs of the players that's fine the Players are being compensated that's Fine but that you're going to run that Car into the ground yeah you're going to Have more injuries players can't do it's Physically people don't understand that Well the CFL plays 18 games I think That's why the CFL doesn't run the ball There's no contact there's no contact Little bit of contact not like the NFL No not like but you have to understand Something the B people don't the average Person does not understand professional Athletics they don't they don't Understand Athletics they they don't Understand the physical demands of the Body nowadays than 40 years ago or 50 Years ago right right guys are running Into each other at 20 miles an hour Right at 240 250 pounds no I know the It's it's it's like an auto accident and So how many auto accidents can these Guys keep getting up from and you're Gonna you're gonna you're kill these Guys you're going to K and Okay carry More players great so I think they Should car I think they do need more But you know why if if everybody keeps Getting injured on the field you're Going to have a lack of talent a lack of Quality product that I disagree with I Think you're going to have a lack of Quality product I think there's Plentiful Talent out there they don't

Get opportunity there's there's Talent Out there they don't get as much Opportunity but you're going to have a Drop off in Talent yeah if miles Garrett Is my my Rush end and Miles goes down And I got to bring in Bobby Smith from Marshall right then then we're we're Hurting right right and Miles Garrett Just demanded a trade he did he did He got to get out of that cess pool he Wants to go to a contend that's a [ __ ] Hole that that that Cleveland yes we Were going to be in Cleveland we're Going to be close to Cleveland you're Right you you can't say that we love Cleveland my listen the organization the City oh the haslams aren't the best the Organization is a [ __ ] show well if they They gave you know millions of Guaranteed money to they they they Misevaluated Baker Mayfield um yeah I I think so did I Think they did they misused him Misevaluated him well that he like I Said he played hurt in 2020 he did and He didn't have his best season but I Still think they went to the playoffs Yeah they didn't know this and did they Know he was playing hurt sure did they Did right and they they use that excuse To dump him anyway it was it was stupid And they didn't they didn't surround him With the best weapons either no no no so Give him some weapons no but he he did

Struggle the year or two after before he Get Wing before he got everything under Yes I understand just ter evaluation you Know it's funny I'm fooling around on Your oh on mine oh I you a text like Where is it and now I just saw your text I thought it was a text from earlier and Now I Realize coach schan good to see you I'm Gonna have to eat on the Pod because I Had to go coach I know I know I know you Did I know you did um great kids but It's painful do you watch the NBA at All uh a little bit here and there yeah I just wanted to get your take on you Know we were we were talk your your take On on the Lakers trade did you see the Lakers and the Mavericks trade Everyone's going a ape [ __ ] over it for Donic yeah yeah so don donic for H Anthony Davis a three team trade I watched a lot On it you know um What I think is interesting is Um that there was a lot of criticism of Donic uh from the M all all of it yeah Because of the fact I guess I don't know Out of condition out of condition and But it seems to me injury problems yeah It seems to be an extreme thing who one A year ago everyone was saying was the Best player in him and jokic were the Best players in the NBA along with LeBron right and now they're saying so I

Thought that was an odd turnaround so I Thought there must be something beyond That and the other thing was Anthony Davis who um that marriage with him and LeBron was supposed to be this big thing It didn't kind they wanton a Championship they won in the bubble yeah In 2020 during Co that was it but I Don't think it's been like what they It's been a disaster ever since yeah I Don't know if it's yeah it hasn't been They haven't meshed at least no um and So um the shocking part was like that it Was just came out of like left field That's what Frank said too because Nobody knew right none of the Insiders Knew none none of the other Executives Knew I said it was a great trade for Both teams and Frank thinks it's a great Trade I think it's a great I think I I Think Dallas can win now you think it's A great trade for both teams Dallas can Win everyone's poo pooing Lakers got Their guy for the next 11 years everyone Said the Lakers got the better granted The other four guys in the court better Play some mean ass defense because luuka Don't play it no he he's Justt no that's the two complaints he Doesn't play D very well and he doesn't Really work out very well he doesn't Keep himself in good shape well he's not A body guy he's not a body guy body guy You can't listen you can't be 270

Running around on the leag he he's they Said 260 not 270 amazing how he can Still jump though he does jump still he He jumps he can dunk 67 he can get up a Little bit 260 that's not bad Had he been a pro over in Europe before He came he was a pro when he was 16 wow Oh so he's been playing forever a little Part of it too Frank like he's been with The Mavs uh this whole time he's Obviously been their star and maybe he's They went to the finals last year yep Maybe he's like I need to change to get To you know a change and these guys he Didn't want to leave he didn't want to Leave I know saying he consciously said I don't I don't think he came out and Said I need to be out the GM hates him Yes the GM does does it doesn't just Does it not just like dislike his play I Think the GM hates him yes the GM is Despises him that's it the spis when he Was getting that um what do they call it The highest level money like most of the Time they're very happy to lock up their Player right they weren't no no 340 or 360 whatever it is and they were like I Don't think we want to give it to this Guy no and he's still he still has he's 25 scored 34 games ridiculous honestly I Think it's ridiculous Right has two years left on his contract Build some defense around him they've Got Defenders around him they've got

Defenders around Kyrie Irving is a good Defender uh they're two centers are are Great Defenders and him and Kyrie had a Good relationship I on the court oh yeah Without a doubt without a doubt so I Just think I think the GM there's a video of last year I think Last year of them of Lucas celebrating In the locker room I don't know what What game it was or what position in the Season it was on but he had a beer in His hand and he was drinking a beer in His hand and the GM walks by and grabs The beer right out of his hand in the Locker room and they got that on video So I could just see I see there's Something something going on well he's 27 GM uh it's Nico I forget his last Name I apologize it's uh they were Saying that Nico really must love an Davis well I think I think what it is is It gives him a scoring four so they have A scoring one now this means ni Harrison Harrison that's it uh now they have a Scoring one in Kyrie Irving uh they now Now they'll have a scoring four with Anthony Davis who's really you know he could be A five he could be a four he could be he Could play he could play the point if You wanted to the guy grew up he grew up As a point guard he he handled the ball Was young and all of a sudden he grew to 7 feet so you know so you're you're

Looking at a versatile guy that they Feel fits in the right spots for them is Is can there's listen Kyrie can be a 28 To 30 point guy Anthony Davis can be a 28 to 30 point guy you got you got 60 Points right there in two guys you know So I I think it's a great move for Dallas and they want to win now well Since we're talking basketball I have to Ask this because this was shocking to me Everything's shocking to you well the Trade was shocking this is even more Shocking um there's an NBA gambling ring There's uh gambling ring currently under Federal investigation yes for its role In two NBA betting cases and was also Involved in unusual W wagering activity On at least three men's college Basketball programs this season yeah and The three teams North Carolina a T Mississippi Valley State in Eastern Michigan those EAS ones to fix those are The ones are easy to fix and EAS should Stay under the radar not getting money Those guys oh okay cuz that's what I'm Thinking like they can stay under the Radar who's looking up the Mississippi Valley State game and going oh my God I Can't believe they lost my 30 wow wow so That's why that's why they going to Cheat that's where you cheat you cheat With you cheat with the The Underdogs You cheat with the team now the one name That was kind of suspicious when it came

Out if I'm correct is is uh the guard Was Miami he was with charot at the time Was Terry Rosier yes I mean that guy was He Was so I mean he he's a he's a he's a he He's a scoring machine he he has Admitted to manipulating his performance During games for gambling purposes he Admitted it he admitted it yes yes Really that I didn't hear he he admitted It it says right here in uh 2023 when he Was with the Charlotte Hornets he was Injured uh portered Porter had admitted To manipulating his performance for Gambling holy crap apparently yeah he Pled guilty to a case tied to NBA Betting so he's not in the NBA right now I thought he's with Miami no he is he's He is so they allow you to stay in the League if you admit and are guilty Caught gambling C winning games the NBA Investigated and they prosecuted four Other men Porter acknowledged that he Agreed to withdraw from early from ear Withdraw early from games so that uh Co-conspirators could win bets on his Performance so he wasn't putting you Know they were betting on him to put up A certain amount of numbers points Rebounds whatever and he would ask out Of games early and they let him continue To play they they didn't know about it This this was investigated for quite a While and so all this is released right

Now uh no this this again this was in 2023 it came out it came out in the Summer of 2024 and Pat Riley said yeah Give me this guy and he yeah and Apparently yeah he's still he's still Playing right how is this Possible yeah well he he's uh he's Injured right now yeah he he he was a For former Toronto Raptor player during The 2023 2024 season uh in 202 2023 when He was with the Charlotte Hornets that's When he admitted to it so I was shocked To hear that and then officials at North Carolina an Mississippi Valley State Didn't respond uh neither did Eastern Michigan but there's a federal PL Federal probe betting Integrity monitors I didn't know there was such a thing Flag two games this season involving Eastern Michigan versus Wright State and Eastern Michigan versus Central Michigan In both instances Sports books noticed Suspicious betting activity against Eastern Michigan in the First Act in the First half according to alerts set out By the Integrity compliance firm is that Another word for bar stool Sports yeah Bar stool are those the guys monitoring The games Well they they monitor betting eag for Irregularities right um veteran bookm Makers and professional betters have Been tracking unusual betting activity On college basketball how come they

Don't do this with senators and and House represent I know right uh they Voting they should track the tracker for Uh the stock market said that Nancy Pelosi just bought 70,000 options in uh In Intel yeah so they're saying Porter Had a gambling debt so he had to pay it Off and he did it by manipulating his Performance he he doesn't have enough Money to pay it off after a 10 year Career in the NBA apparently not Apparently he had a pretty big bet and Had to be a $30 million bet either he Was threatened or whatnot I don't know But Jesus that's what it got to um I Just before I wanted to get your Thoughts on the Super Bowl uh coach Schuman Kansas City minus one and a half They are playing the the Philadelphia Eagles it's a rematch from two years ago The Chiefs have won a record 11 one Score games so people were thinking that Roger Goodell was on the take or Whatever and not making it Accurate what are your thoughts going in On the Chiefs versus the Eagles I had Predicted against the Eagles um Commander because the Eagles passing Game had just it looked atrocious and Then Jaylen Herz obviously you know Shoved up my ass and proved it wrong uh What were you what are your thoughts on The game itself who would you take I Mean it's a onepoint spread so doesn't

Really matter yeah it's basically a pick Them yeah Um my thoughts are this if you can't Stop Barkley I think I think the Chiefs Are in trouble um Barkley is the Difference Maker I didn't think Jaylen Herz was um that Phenomenal no what I did think was that He got the ball to guys that are Playmakers on his team yep AJ Brown Taquin yep uh 100% he did they they all Seem to be the best in the game so you Know Barkley's the best in the game he's The best running back yep mes didn't Have his typical year yep Brown seems to be the best best guy Right now AJ AJ Brown yep he's great I Agree books you know well he was pissed He wasn't being thrown to so he was Reading the book he was trying to better Himself yes I'm good with that man score Touchdowns read whatever the hell you Want yeah yeah you know it's not Bothering me he knows his plays what Does he need conversate on the sideline I think the Eagles have a nice offense Um they they definitely built it around Jaylen Herz the right way to play to his Strength and he's not afraid to run I Think his scrambling ability and pocket Presence helps um but you know the Chiefs are the Chiefs the two time Defending champs it would be the first Threee ever right yes yeah it'd be the

First three Pat ever the Cowboys came The closest um they won three but they Took a year off in between between uh But Barry Switzer even managed to win a Super Bowl about that was the talent in That roster but I mean who would you go With are you going with the Eagles Dave Just because you're a homer I'm rooting For the Eagles even though I I like the Chiefs I like the chiefs with they Represent Andy Reid's my maybe my Favorite coach in the NFL I I am so Happy for Andy Reed yeah I I am listen Andy Reid got treated like garbage in Philly did and they they dumped him and It it I'm so happy that he went to KC And turned it around and how many I Think three four Super Bowls he's got Now so I would love to see that yeah I Mean he he is a he is a phenomenal coach To use your word I I yes that's true uh Sequan Barkley oh he he's in his Fu season to The giant that's what I love the way He's running is unbelievable the way He's running yeah yeah he's just running Angry just running like a maniac he Can't be brought down he leads the it's He leads the league in yards after Contact which is so impressive he's a Threat in the passing game I gotta kill My dog I think no he just has to go [ __ ] He always has to poop your dog's very Ornery I think uh five barks are for the

Eagles I think he's definitely picking The Eagles uh Frank what what are your Thoughts yeah here's the thing I think That you're right about saquan Barkley I Think Kansas City drops their entire Effort defensively into stopping that Run game and puts it on jayen which I Think which I think is going to to Disrupt wait wait you Kansas City you Think they're going to stop I think They're going to put every effort Possible into lining up and line up and Go toe to- toe and take so their their Schemes are going to be run def defense Orient St spagnolo will have a great Plan right but I think that's going to Open up with Devon Smith and brown and And Herz there I mean I I think you're Going to see I I love the Eagles L pois I like the eagles offensive the Defensive Line's better than Kansas City's yeah uh I'm going to take the Eagles I think it's going to be a a Higher scoring game than our things but I'm going to say uh I'm GNA say 282 24 How about that Philadelphia yeah I I Think I'm going with the Champs I'm Still not sold good that's a solid pick You can't how can you go Wrong listen I think it's year I think Roger Goodell is going to pick up the Bat phone again that's what he's going To do he's and then uh then Travis Kel's Going to propose the Taylor Swift after

The Super Bowl that be I think that's That's that's one of the prop bets They're saying that there's some some Sort of high explosives that are going To be planted in the referee's foot yeah So bottom line when they go to Mark the Spot it's not the correct spot that they Just press a button and blow his foot up Well Dave and I it was funny Dave and I Were watching some of the recruits that Yukon brought in on our husky huddle Yeah and it was funny to see we watching The quarterback from Virginia and there Were a couple plays where there were Just six referees standing around we we Had no idea what they were doing Really the funniest videos I've ever Seen I would just like think it's still Shot of it like it actually Steve nailed It on the head it was a scriage it was a Scrimmage yeah I my guess not if I was Thinking back about it my guess is that They probably had rotating referees and They had some people they were training Right and these guys were all on so this Guy throws a touchdown that yukon's Getting and he throws a bomb down the Field there's five referees as the back Judge Five five back judges yeah yeah it and They were all standing standing next to Each other nobody signal touchdown no One signals touchdown it was and then I Said look at the sideline there were six

Side judges yeah yeah it was amazing it Was amazing and he was a top quarterback In Virginia top quarterback in Virginia So we got two Phillies I'm going with KC You guys all like the Trade uh Dei in the NFL is BS uh yeah that that's pretty much the Tell me about de in the NFL before you Go oh it they were complaining Because uh they I NFL had a record nine Minority coaches last season and now This year it's all down uh because Gerard Mayo Antonio Pierce uh were were Fired uh somebody else was fired too Sal Salah was fired to so yeah and they've Tried to incentivize it by like if you Were to hire a a minority GM you get Draft picks if you hire a minority coach You get draft picks do you really yeah You get comp compensated for draft Yeah You get compensat draft boy boy when I'm Going in for that job interview I just Throw my resume right out the window it Frank's Italian throw it right out the Window right out the window no you just Say you're Italian you're a minority Minority Italians are minorities no They're not yes they are you don't you Don't fill out the application there's No checkbox for Italian yeah if you're Right off the boat you're an immigrant That's all you have to say you see you Say start speaking Italian you know your Dad talks talk like your dad say you're

An immigrant that's Right they gotta hire you Yeah you're yeah you're HED and you get Three draft picks yeah you get two free Picks out of it I can't believe you Didn't know that no oh amazing to um Reb Republic but um Uh if you're a migrant do and and they Make you the GM get three picks migrant Migrant I guess you know it'll have to Depend if you're legal or illegal I Don't know can't you can't show up to Practice Monday through Friday that's Get you like six picks illegal yeah I Don't think they can even ask you they Can't you can't disclose they just hand You a trade for like Luca Don you just Get like a Luca you know I mean arrives On your team You Got You Gotta Have You Gotta Have IDE to get into the building For God's sakes and for our our homers Yukon we beat Marquette right that was our big win Great yeah it was a great game who's Been who's been singing the Praises of Solo ball earlier than everybody come on Give the credit yeah I know I know what Do you mean solo ball I'm Like I watched a lot of the games but no I've been watching him too he you know He was early on before he was getting a Lot of shots uh but he was still scoring Like 10 or what no right they were Deferring to caraban more but he was he

He hit a c a few of these shots in the Lane that I thought were like tough Shots while he was moving and I'm like Wow he's got like he's like a skilled Shooter you know what I mean he is to do Like Frank is more of a basketball guy Than me so but Frank Frank doesn't watch You around the pick and you get the ball And have the presence of when to shoot It W the pass and take that shot on the Run I thought I I saw early on I was Like wow he's pretty skilled so we're Watching yesterday uh what was the game Yesterday or two Saturday it was Saturday yeah watch a game and early in The game I'm like I'm like solo balls Playing you know they were killing him I'm like really good and then um uh they Started catching him and um he wasn't He's not phenomenal on defense he's good On defense but not phenomenal and so What my damn dog so so I um so he starts Hitting the I'm like my my father's like Ah that number one you know he doesn't Play any game I'm like just wait just Wait and all sudden boom three-pointer Boom I didn't expect them to go off Diara I like too I really like diara you Know what though the only thing about Diar I like diara the only thing that Diara I and Joe said this not me I I Really saw he does he does dribble the Ball around a lot yes is a point he he Dribbles too much and and and and and

Without without necessarily a purpose You know what I'm saying right right He's looking for space or looking for an Opening when he's doing it yeah and but Sometimes that it causes a turnover Because a guy comes up and plays him Exactly yeah he like makes a bad Decision but but overall yeah I think He's explosive he's arur to me like Mar Point guard scoring kind of point guard But but ball I'm telling you that Guy that guy to me if he keep shooting Like that he's gonna be uh no I think He'll be great I think he'll be great I Think I think that this time that They've played Without McNeely is gonna Make them better oh no doubt because now When mcne comes back they'll have a Well-oiled Machine and they they can run through The big tournament possibly win it they May not be able to catch and and win the Big East outright before the season you Know before the comp the season ends but I think they can win the tournament and Then when they go to the tournament They'll be seasoned but nobody expected Him to be out this Long no he he I think he's still still Gonna be out for another week or so the High ankle sprins are very very tough I Mean it it takes forever to heal on Their own so I I just hope they get them Back and can get ranked in the top five

For the tournament that's my concern for The for the NCAA I hope they do well in The Big East and go far and then if they Get ranked in the top five they won it From number five two years ago so they Can do it again it'll I think they're GNA I don't think it matters where they Are I really as long guys they're good Enough to win And then the women is just staying Healthy it's just staying healthy for Them but staying healthy absolutely is h I i i got chaos going on over here That's all right we're signing off set Your dog's name Chaos No oh he just left Oh oh he ran away I hope he [ __ ] Somewhere he gonna get into more ink is He gonna get into more ink dude he got He had uh Frank this is funny before There's never ending funny stories with All of us I guess but the dog the dog Goes and uh my wife comes downstairs and She goes the dog's Bleeding what did he do down here he's Got red he's bleeding all over his arm He's bloodied I said he's not bleeding I Said he got into the HP ink and it's All it away from I just take it away I'm I looked I'm like what is all this red And he got it somehow he went into my Back closet found the ink I don't know Do this stuff you know resource he's Back and he's back he found the worst

Thing he could find I think he was just Uh filling out his resume for an NFL job Application yeah de he's minority he's a De he a minority would be he would be a Minority imagine yes I uh I I you know What I sorry my dog does not use a Signature but he does make his Mark yes Yes yes yes and he he identifies Differently so I think that'll work he Identifies as a Human human so yeah we'll have Rebel Republic next don't go anywhere and uh For the Coach Dave Schuman and the the Uh self-proclaimed voice of reason I've Been given that L moniker by more than One person Frank ch iano I'm Steve cly The best podcast host in the universe on 97.9 Unity radio remember when life Gives you lemons don't make lemonade Take two oranges throw them back at life Or de

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