Maximize Your Vitamin D: Essential Tips for Athletes
We reveal why athletes often miss out on Vitamin D and how to effectively supplement for optimal health. Discover the best practices for timing and absorption, plus tips on incorporating this vital nutrient into your diet smoothly and effectively. #VitaminD #AthleteHealth #NutritionTips #SupplementSmart #FitnessAdvice #HealthOptimization #WellnessJourney #SportsNutrition #FatSolubleVitamins #PeakPerformance
You don't want to get to that point and That's a big thing about being proactive But most athletes are not getting enough Vitamin D because even with vitamin D Sources there's only 60 IUS in an egg so Typically between the endocrine society And The Institute of medicine there's Discrepancies of hey it's two um 600 IUS A day to 2,000 IUS I would say if you Are in the midwest you would safely be Able to supplement 2,000 to 5,000 IUS And keep in mind it's best absorbed with The fat right it's f soluble so I have a Vitamin D uh blog for both athletes and The general population but if you Supplement the vitamin D in the morning With uh some peanut butter or your eggs That would be optimal do not take your Vitamin D later on in the day that's the Thing about supplements too there is the Proper timing so vitamin D also