Mastering Youth Sports Nutrition: Breakfast Matters!
Learn how essential breakfast is for young athletes. We dive into simple strategies parents can use to ensure their kids are fueled and emotionally balanced before competitions—because a well-fed athlete performs better! #YouthSports #NutritionTips #HealthyEating #BreakfastPower #AthleteMindset #SportsParents #FuelYourBody #YouthAthletics #MentalHealth #SportingSuccess
They're doing Pop-Tarts and a bunch of Nonsense so uh that's a whole another Topic but as you can tell I'm super Passionate um but I just I believe in Being a lifelong learner so I have Several accolades but I still don't know Everything and I'm still learning and There's still so much that I'm excited To learn from my clients from my Athletes from coaches like Yourselves it's it's such a difficult Process for families especially since Athletics um are a part of most people's Lives uh today you know and families are Try you know they're traveling that to Sports and they're trying to pack snacks And they're trying to figure out how to Um hydrate properly all these different Things like what are you you know what Are some simple things that um parents Can do to make sure if kids at like a Tournament or has a game and they're Going to be exerting themselves that They do like certain things correctly Because one of the issues I always see Is kids breakfast is always an issue Like when you go online you read about Breakfast like there like it used to be Oh everyone was expected to kind of eat Breakfast right but but then there's all This stuff like don't eat breakfast and And uh I noticed with my son if that That dude don't eat something before he Goes he's a nightmare I'm not even
Talking about I'm not talk about the Competition aspect because he's probably Still kind of okay there but but his his His uh his mental aspect of of of what He does you know and I've tried to Ingrain it to his head because he Doesn't because he doesn't want to eat Breakfast right I I'm like you got to Eat it I'm I'm not worried I mean yes Obviously will help your performance Some some level of of of fueling up um But your mental aspect you know when Something goes wrong I I I know I've Seen him fly off the handle and when he When he eats he he eats breakfast he Eats some sort of proper breakfast he Does not and he's in much more control Of his emotions