Mastering RPO and Offensive Strategies for High School Football
Explore innovative offensive strategies as we dive into RPO concepts and quarterback dynamics in high school football. Learn how shifts and motions can confuse defenses, making the game more dynamic and enjoyable for players. Experience how creativity in formations can lead to success on the field! #FootballStrategy #HighSchoolFootball #RPO #QuarterbackPlay #OffensiveInnovations #FootballCoaching #GameTactics #Teamwork #YouthSports #FootballSkills
Like we're going to see a ton of cover One cover Zero um and it's because they have to Take away the RPO right because if you Don't we'll burn you in the Flats on That long the running back will have Zero carries for zero yards if you don't Come down and play the bubble we're just GNA beat you up with the bubble but once Again once we dictate to you where that Outside backer is going to be now we can Run there so I've taken your Force Player and gotten rid of him because He's super worried about a bubble so It's kind of an evil little world uh Here we kind of show where we're out Nice and wide the kids don't sell it you Can see some of them are like ready to Play ball and some are like I know I'm Moving you know that's first year stuff Uh and kids high school kids will be They're they're out there you know They're the ones Under Pressure they got To go out and perform so we start you Out wide you've probably went into an Empty check and now we bring it down Tight now are you changing defenses what Are you doing Okay this is also where we get into our Q tag okay so we we run a little jet Series it's now we have to tag the Q is Going to carry the ball he actually just Knows we wouldn't actually tag at Q but Uh it it you know if the runningback is
Back there we can tag at Q and just let Him carry the ball same thing we're just Running GT Counter um we got the extra bodies we Even have an RPO I know it doesn't look Like much and he probably doesn't have Time to read it but we're going to stay True to ourselves okay we're going to Run this RPO and it it shows up later on Uh I don't know if I have the clips on Here but we start throwing that RPO to Where you're playing all out for GT Because the formation and now we're Going to throw this little arrow route On you Right it's a sophomore quarterback I Think dude's going to be pretty special We're we're pretty proud of Him here you can see the other Quarterback we're a true two quarterback System so um let's see what do we got Here so how do you handle that coach Like before you move a true Quarter Two Quarterback system means what they get Series quarters how the hell is that Formations Tags um one word certain plays some guys Are really good at you know reading a Certain yeah yeah yeah I listen I get it Just W okay yeah wild that's a wild World to live in coach yeah but you know The kids the kid and this is once again Year one of putting the system in at the School and the kids absolutely loved it
So Um and and and it it makes sense it's Fun football's fun for them again it's Better than lineup hand the ball to the Fullback line up hand the fullback no You're going to carry the ball you're GNA hand it to five different people You're going to throw it to five Different people um yeah ball gets Pretty chaotic all right so here we Start with uh an HB to the boundary We're going to slide him Over we move our running back pre- snap And now we do another motion so now We've put three motions or three Shifts before we ever snap the ball once Again good bad ugly Okay so this is our we're going to sell GT one way this is our kind of our toss Play we ran it to 44 earlier and it went For you know 60 yards or whatever here We just missed the handoff the little Toss luckily it's an incomplete pass we Don't have anything to worry about just Like every other Jet Sweep in history Toss the stinking ball quit trying to Hand it off right it's an incomplete Pass and we life goes on but if he gets His hands on that ball we have a lot of People committed to this quarterback and Tailback running this way we're not even A speed option team right but they still Have to commit to number one and look at This that that 18's got going
Backside by the way my nephews are on The screen right now they're playing uh For the Defense a fun game go down first first Game of the or first playoff game and uh Get to go knock my nephews out of the Playoffs so nice told my brother to get Him up here let him live with Daddy I With Uncle yeah That's funny listen after all those uh After after that many shifts pre- snap Hell I'm moving to the other side of the Town too God damn