Mason Jar Protein Recipes for Athletes: Fuel Up!
Discover delicious and easy mason jar protein recipes perfect for busy athletes. Learn how to incorporate nutritious breakfasts and snacks to stay fueled during tournaments, ensuring peak performance and recovery. Simple options like protein pancakes and second breakfasts are key to success! #ProteinRecipes #AthleteNutrition #MasonJarMeals #HealthyEating #GameDayFuel #SportsNutrition #QuickSnacks #BreakfastMatters #NutritionTips #FitnessFuel
Can do Mason protein oat recipes I have Several you put them in mason jars Protein pancakes protein waffles you can Even do a peanut butter banana sandwich If you're weight gain that's a great one But you've got to eat breakfast if You're not eating breakfast start there And I'll take it a step further and I Always say on game day you should be Eating a second breakfast because you Need additional carbohydrates and Protein and again that's a controllable And we're talking I have a couple snacks With me you don't have to make it crazy Keep it simple here is an RX bar I Simple way this can be a second Breakfast something way better than Nothing because consistently you're Factoring in you know another 200 plus Calories per day and that's something That these high school and even College Athletes right they're burning thousands Of calories they need additional fuel Substrates right so how can you make That simple and easy you can also do a Core Power protein shake there's 42 gr Protein shakes out there I am the queen Of making things simple because that's We have the busy Sports family right so I've gotten really crazy cretive if You're at baseball tournaments football Game it it doesn't matter it's just the The portion and then the frequency may Increase or decrease pending your goals
What you have going on so say it's a Baseball tournament or a softball Tournament you want to make sure that You focus on protein and carbohydrates Because fat takes longer to digest so You really want to think right in terms Of quick carbs so it could be chicken And rice you could also do hardboiled Egg with grapes string cheese um like I Said in our newsletter and on my website I had lit Lally have free blocks Tournament snacks what to eat on game Day how to fuel in the days leading up To game day um but everybody should be Yeah eating breakfast that's a Controllable second breakfast on Game Day wake up five minutes earlier um Nobody forgets their cell phone right You shouldn't be forgetting Breakfast it's a big big thing so I Think that's such a great Point um and It's it's simple and easy things like People rush and they just like oh you Know I'll get to it later and you're It's a it's a great point and one of the Things you always have as athletes is That especially when they go to Tournaments and stuff is you know it's Not just about game one it's about game Three or four over the weekend that you Have to play and you're trying to you Know uh get them to be able to continue To compete and not get injured and all That kind of stuff um you you know you
Had another thing that I thought was Really interesting so um when they're as Far as fueling up and and being how Much should they so what I've noticed is Like my son is my son's nine okay and High school kids are are much more than Than my son is because they they're They've already hit puberty and all that Kind of stuff um