Is Uconn football at a crossroads of their program?
1 min readIt's you you used a good point uh phrase Uh in the C uh this is like we're at a Crossroads right now as a program and I Won't say who told me but someone we Both know who's in the know said this is The most important year for Yukon Football right because we are Independent and Steve has said it over And over on this podcast uh the program Is bleeding money we're still in the red Right um and we're not going to be in The black until we get into a major Conference and get some of that TV Revenue so that being said um I'm optim ISC you know um talking to some of the Older alumni older than Us they're very pessimistic but I look At the schedule right um it's very Winnable um I heard you and Steve talk About it you know we got to at least get Seven or eight wins do you think about Uh if have this this program GNA survive Or not because I think that's where we Are Dave I mean eventually they're gonna Say I mean is it worth it um financially Economically to keep this program afloat You know um I hope it doesn't you know But um I think