I think shilo sanders answers handling the hate he receives Online with a great attitude
I think Shiloh Sanders handles this Really well um cuz he gets all this hate Online and I I think this really mature And handles it really well and it's Going to bold well for him I mean if you Just go off if you just hate me or you Want to hate me then hey hold on bro Hold On and um if you just want to hate yeah Of course pay me in a bad picture they Do that to our president they do that to To everybody you know so I'm not going To be safe from it but it does get Aggravated when whenever you putting in Work and you working on your crap and People just steadily destroying you but It really don't matter you know I just Care about what a scout thing I care About what what Co Prime thing my family Think and um I got a good circle around Me so I really don't let that stuff Affect me it's just really stupid how People always just try to destroy you And I don't do nothing bad to Nobody yeah