Good for JD Vance! Shut down these reporters who want us to have illegals running rampant unvetted

Than anybody who's been properly vetted And helped us do you stand by that well Margaret I don't agree that all these Immigrants or all these refugees have Been properly vetted in fact we know That there are cases of…

Than anybody who's been properly vetted And helped us do you stand by that well Margaret I don't agree that all these Immigrants or all these refugees have Been properly vetted in fact we know That there are cases of people who Allegedly were properly vetted and then Were literally planning terrorist Attacks on our country that happened During the campaign if you may remember So clearly not all of these foreign Nationals people in the pipeline Afghan Refugee but my primary concern as the Vice president Margaret is to look after The American people and now that we know That we have vetting problems with a lot Of these Refugee programs we absolutely Cannot unleash thousands of unvetted People into our country people these People are vetted just like the guy who Planned a terrorist attack in Oklahoma a Few months ago he was allegedly properly Vetted and many people in the media and The Democratic party said that he was Properly vetted clearly he wasn't I Don't want my children to share a Neighborhood with people who are not Properly vetted and because I don't want It for my kids I'm not going to force Any other American citizen kids to do That either no and and that was a very Particular case it wasn't clear if he Was radicalized when he got here or While he was living here I don't really

Care Margaret I don't want that person In my country and I think most Americans Agree with me we'll be back in one Minute with more of our interview with Vice president Vance

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