Finding the Right College Fit: Navigating Recruitment Challenges
We dive into the complexities of recruiting for talented athletes, discussing the importance of finding the right program, the realities of college scholarships, and how dedication can influence future opportunities. Join us to explore what truly matters in building a successful college experience. #CollegeRecruitment #ScholarshipAdvice #AthleteSuccess #CollegeAthletics #SportsCulture #D3Athletes #ProgramFit #RecruitmentJourney #FutureStars #TeamGoals
Look you see how much we genuinely care About you and maybe this really is the Right spot for you because you know we Talk about it all the time the grass Isn't always greener and those guys just Because you think you're going up it Might not be a better situation for you You know what I mean just because it's a Higher level and it's what you've always Aspired to do like this might be the Right fit for you and I think by you Allowing it and having that policy that Way that's absolutely phenomenal but uh The zero leaving is really what jumps Out to me that's awesome yeah we talked You know so for me though right like Some of the high school kids I'm talking To right now that we are having up on Visits you know there's a there's one of The kids specifically there's been a few Conversations but one specifically right Now that I have no idea how he's not a FBS playerone you know offer guy right Now and um I told him straight up like Listen you know this is the landscape We're in unfortunately I think that five Years ago you probably aren't we're Probably not even having a conversation With right now right the current Landscape and how certain programs and Levels are choosing to recruit you know You really don't have full rides on the Table and then but even even on this end Being like listen you come here I think
You're a higher level player you come Here you're here for a couple years and You have the opportunity to go do Something and do it like go for it what That means though is that you helped us Win conference championships you Probably were an All-American you helped Us go deep into a national playoffs and So like yeah these are our goals as a Team and if those goals ultimately end Up with you getting opportunities Beyond Here um you know I'm excited for you you Helped the program along the way to get Back to where we want it and ultimately At that point in time you might sit There and go listen at now it's not Really that important for me to Chase Level I love I love it here I love the Culture I love the program I love my Friends and the people I'm around and I And I want to see through that very well May happen but if you still do have that Desire and you've done a ton for the Program and the market dictates that you Have the ability to go up and on then Then best of luck to you so I I wonder Too if um because D D3 really there is no obviously Transferring down right so um it puts You in a situation where the only kids That really possibly should leave are Kids that were literally First Team all Like you know all like all American kids Who who and obviously if you have