Army tugby tackling progression is second to none

I absolutely love the Army rugby tackle Progression where you start with Attacking the hips then attacking the Whole person always going through the Hip starting from a low spot progressing Up to a high tackling without any Movement progressing…

I absolutely love the Army rugby tackle Progression where you start with Attacking the hips then attacking the Whole person always going through the Hip starting from a low spot progressing Up to a high tackling without any Movement progressing to a pad Progressing to going through a person And then obviously progressing to game Play it's it's an amazing amazing and a Tremendous way to teach tackling to give You the opportunity to really make those Plays and you see it in the game here With the way that they tackle right Through the hips and they rap and roll Um and it's it's a just a tremendous Discipline to teach it through each Stage that's how you teach tackling now Through each stage

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